Here's how Gerard Butler looks without his famous beard
The 300 actor was rushed to the hospital after he went into anaphylactic shock. But days later, he was completely unrecognizable after shaving off his beard.
Gerard Butler was taken to the hospital after an overdose of bee venom, according to E! News, but ended up looking unrecognizable to fans after that.
He shaved his beard and mustache in a video he posted to Instagram. He said that he felt depressed as he shaved after having grown them for a year.
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He clearly expressed his discomfort while parting with his beard as he had lovingly grown it since the previous December.
"So here I am about to shoot…what do you call this? Shave? Shave my beard off after a year of having it on. I'm totally depressed."
He said at the time that he had to remove his facial hair and even cut off his locks for an upcoming film, Hunter Killer's photo-shoot.
“I have to cut my hair, shave my beard to do some additional photography onHunter Killer…I’m totally depressed…It’s gone! It’s gone!”
The Scottish actor, while fully bearded, landed in the hospital from going into anaphylactic shock after being injected with the traditional remedy for bee stings.
He had reportedly been told that it had an anti-inflammatory compound and it would be beneficial for him to ease his muscle aches after performing stunts.
Unfortunately, the dosage was too high, and he was given about 10 units of bee venom. He thankfully made a full recovery, but the changes in his looks after shaving off his beard will take more getting used to.

Source: Getty images
The How to Train Your Dragon voice-over star picked up his electric razor and began the process. He kept frowning and crying out, “Oh my God!” and “Mommy!” while doing it. With a break in between and some instructions, he eventually finished it.
Hunter Killer is due for release this October.