
Tumbling act on 'America's Got Talent' goes wrong, but brothers insist on doing it again

Aug 03, 2018
11:12 P.M.

These brothers were auditioning for a popular talent competition, when their act suddenly went horribly wrong. But that didn't stop them from getting up and trying it again.


Brothers Riccardo and Alejandro Rossi are a double act tumbling together, and decided to audition for America's Got Talent. When they first introduced themselves, the judges asked how dangerous the act really is, because there had been a number of accidents earlier in the day already.

Alejando shared that just 6 months earlier he had torn his ACL in an accident, and required surgery to correct the injury. It was his first time performing again after the operation.

They took to the stage, with the judges wishing them luck, and with the audience's hearts in their throats.


The brothers had brought a small black bench with them akin to an exercise bench. Riccardo went to lie down on the bench on his back with his legs up, while his brother stood a few feet behind him.

Alejandro took a running leap up to his brother, jumping and twisting himself to land at a perpendicular angle on Riccardo's feet. Riccardo then bounced him around on his feet, with Alejandro twisting his body a few times before turning in the same direction as his brother.

Sitting on his brother's feet, he proceeded to perform a few backwards somersaults landing each time square on his brother's feet. He then performed one in which he twisted around to face the other way mid-flip.


Another flip saw him resting face down on his brother's feet, using his shoulders as anchors, shortly before jumping off Riccardo's feet for a restart. He quickly returned, standing on the ends of the bench over his brother's head and jumping back up onto his perch.

He then again proceeded to perform his incredible backflips, before finally going for something more extreme. And failing. The brother's collapsed onto the stage in a pile, with the judges and audience screaming in shock.

Alejandro seemed to be grabbing at his leg, at the knee that had already undergone surgery. His brother quickly jumped up and checked on him, making sure he was able to stand.

After a few moments, someone from back stage appeared on stage, and the brothers appeared to be telling him to put the music back on, much to the horror of the judges who didn't want to see either of them seriously hurt.


But they ignored the desperate pleas of the judges, and continued on from just before the fall.

This time, it went off without a hitch! Alejandro landed standing square on his brother's feet, much to the wild applause of the crowd and the judges. Alejandro was so elated that he'd pulled it off, that he paused a moment to look at the crowd.

He then lept wildly in a flip to tumble back to a seated position on Riccardo's feet. He threw in a double flip just for good measure, before returning to his somersaults.

He flipped himself over on his brother's feet another 12 times, before flipping himself back into an upright standing position on his brother's feet to end the incredible act.

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