Woman injured by razor blade stuck in Walmart shopping cart handle
Kelly Boulay was injured by a razor blade that someone allegedly planted on purpose in the handle of a Walmart shopping cart. The woman suffered an open cut and investigations are ongoing to find the culprit.
Boulay announced that she cut open her finger while shopping at the East Windsor store and that the incident has ‘disgusted’ her and made her ‘upset beyond belief.’
After she complained about it to a store staff, police authorities were immediately called in to investigate. As per the report, an investigation of the incident was still ongoing.
‘The manager had the employees checking every cart ... but it’s just unacceptable that someone would be this much of an [expletive] to do this," Boulay wrote in her post. ‘It could have been my daughter or someone else’s child!’
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Following the incidence, Walmart authorities have assured their customers that they have asked their employees to check on the handlebars as many times as possible to ensure safety.
In a statement, Walmart spokesperson also said, “It’s disturbing that someone would purposely try to injure a customer or associate. We take this matter seriously and have since checked all shopping carts and are currently conducting regular checks.”
According to Jumble Joy, the blades might have been placed in the carts by shoplifters who cut open the packages in the store as it makes it easy for them to steal smaller products.
The source also informed that shoppers all over the states had suffered cut due to such razor blades that hidden carefully beneath the handles of the shopping cart. Complains regarding such blades were on the rise, especially at the Walmart stores.
Meanwhile, a report from ABC13 quoted a statement from East Windsor Police Detective Sergeant Matthew Carl, "Unfortunately, this is one of those things that somebody could have done maliciously for the only intent of harming another person."