Special needs student watches crowning of homecoming queen and gets a huge surprise
In the auditorium hall of Wayne Community School in Iowa, there was a homecoming ceremony that turned out to be heart-wrenching for all in attendance.
Students lined up on the stadium floor anxiously awaiting the momentous occasion when they would make the announcement of King and Queen. Among them, Angie Sloan's daughter Chelsea stood with her date.
Chelsea, who has down syndrome, has endured a challenge that was made much more tolerable thanks to her kind classmates who turned out to be true friends over the years.
The close-knit school houses just over 200 students in the higher grades from 7th to 12th. Chelsea's mom is greatly appreciative of the genuine love and consideration they have shown to her daughter. But the extra mile one student went to on that special night astonished even her. Follow us on Twitter for more @amomama_usa.

Source: Youtube
Source: YouTube
Leading up to the big event, Angie relayed how Chelsea went on gushingly about her upcoming milestone. FaithTap reports that she said the following :
"Ever since she found out, she's been counting down the days, telling EVERYONE, including doctors, therapists, receptionists, seriously, EVERYONE, she talked to the news. I was so excited, because she doesn't usually get to worked up about these types of things. We went dress shopping, did her hair, and nails, and she even decided wearing a little make-up would be okay. All of these things made this mama so happy, just getting to experience these normal everyday things that most people take for granted. Unbeknownst to me, the real pride and joy would come later."
The video recorded the moment during the coronation when it is Katie Gassman who is crowned queen. Chelsea stood to her left in silence as those in the auditorium cheer for the newly crowned couple. She has no idea what's soon to come, however.

Source: Youtube
The announcer begins to read a touching piece over the microphone that Katie apparently prepared well in advance. Before long, Katie walks over to Chelsea and removes her crown before placing it on her classmate's head. Chelsea's jaw drops instantly as she is stunned by the act.
Over the microphone, the announcer struggles through tears to read the piece which expresses Katie's intentions:
"...tonight I would like to share my crown with the girl who always has a smile on her face and has overcome so many hardships."
Source: YouTube
The audience all stand and cheer for the overwhelmingly heartwarming display. Katie then brings her classmate over to stand next to the King so that the two, Katie and Chelsea, can share their new co-title of homecoming queen.
Chelsea's mom Angie expressed her amazement at the remarkable show of goodwill to her daughter on Facebook:
“This wonderful, selfless, young woman, Katie Gassman chose to share her crown with Chelsea. There really are no words that can describe how I feel. We are so fortunate to live in such a loving community. The students at Wayne Community Schools have proven time and time again that they have kindness and integrity that is so easily forgotten in this day and age. I am so humbled by the love and compassion that they have always shown Chelsea. Thank you Katie.”