Owl who was tangled in a net has the perfect reaction after a dramatic rescue
Owl tangled in soccer net receives a dramatic rescue from nearby construction workers, in the middle of a field in Creve Coeur, Missouri.
While busy with their duties, some construction workers noticed a nearby soccer net moving. It was not the wind causing it as it was moving more forcefully than that.
Out of curiosity, the men went to investigate.
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Upon closer inspection, the construction workers noticed a bird tangled up in the net, and at first impression, it appeared that the wings may be broken.
They did not understand how this majestic yellow-eyed owl could become entangled in the net but started the effort of freeing him.
The workers approached the bird with caution, knowing how the bird is likely to react.
The owl seemed to recognize that the construction workers were trying to free him and refrained from clawing or biting as they had expected.
Construction worker Will Brown said:
“He didn’t bite, so I’ll take that as a thank-you.I guess that’s all you could possibly hope for.”
The owl offered no resistance as they cut off the knotted net around his wings, body, and neck.
Any wild creature will act defensively when threatened, but they don't always feel that way, in situations where owls grow up in close proximity to humans things can get interesting. When Micheal Lens posted pictures of the owl outside their office window it went viral. Follow the link to see why.
At one point the men put a high visibility vest covering his face to keep stress on the bird to a minimum while they worked on freeing him from the net.
After cutting off the last of the net they put the big yellow-eyed owl on the grass to see if it could fly off.
Within seconds it took off and flew into the woods safe and sound once again thanks to the rescue efforts of the compassionate construction workers, as seen by the video that Brown posted.
Another curious incident involving a soccer net and a young owl transpired in August, on a sports field at Edna Maguire Elementary School in Mill Valley, more on this story
