Parents fight to keep 6-month-old baby on life support: 'one of the most devastating things'
On August 5, 6-month-old Kingston Holmes suffered from cardiac arrest at the family's home in Fairfield. Since then he’s been fighting for his life at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital in Oakland.
The child has been on a breathing machine after suffering a severe brain injury. His family has been rallying to keep him on life support ever since.
Kingston Holmes has been fighting for his life for more than a month. His family has been praying for a miracle and has said they've seen progress in the child’s medical condition.
The boy’s mother Cresha Batte had this to say:
"This is one of the most devastating things that I've ever been through.”
For more on this story go to our Twitter account @amomama_usa. She added:
"My son, he still has brain function. He is not clinically brain dead."
Despite this, last Friday, doctors gave Kingston’s family a letter that read, "His breathing machines will be turned off on Monday, September 17 at 1 p.m." due to irreversible brain injury.
Kingston’s father, Peter Holmes said,
"We weren't invited to no meetings that had anything to do with the decision making of my son.”
He shared that he didn’t think what the hospital was doing was fair.
The family has said that they've seen signs of life in their child. Batte shared that their boy was moving and wiggling his toes.
Peter stated that they were waiting on Kingston to prove the doctors wrong. On Monday morning, a rally to support the family took place outside the hospital.
The hospital changed their judgment saying that the breathing machine would not be shut off. They said they were giving the family more time to either get a second opinion and/or find a new facility.
Batte said in response,
"We are going to work diligently to get him to another facility so we can receive the best care for our son. And that is just our main goal right now.”
On Tuesday, it was revealed that Kingston had been moved to Stanford Children's Health. The boy was moved on Monday evening after his parents and community members rallied for the child.