Grandpa's reaction to birthday present suddenly changes to tearful after he puts it on
It’s the day of Carson’s 66th birthday and his family wants to surprise him with something special. His reaction shows how much of a life-changing gift it is.
The family gathers outside during present time and give Carson a plastic lawn chair he can sit on while he opens his gifts where everyone could watch. One of the family members taking videos to record the happy day.
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Source: Carson Stafford
Carson opens his presents one by one until he picks up the package everyone is so excited to see him open. He slowly lifts the brown box out of the gift packet and gives it a once-over, one of the family members warning him not to break it before giving a chuckle.
Carson is color blind and doesn’t see the world in the way people with normal vision do, so they found him the perfect gift. Something fitting the two main criteria they had in mind, something special, and something that would change his world.

Source: YouTube/Carson Stafford
Out of the brown box, he lifts a pair of what appears to be sunglasses, and his family tells him that EnChroma glasses will allow him to see color. Amazed he puts the glasses on with his family watching him, eager to see his reaction.
Instantly he leans forward, his hands half over his eyes as he tears up mentioning how bright everything is, he tries to look up again but leans forward again, his emotions overwhelming as he sees color for the first time.

Source: YouTube/Carson Stafford
A present does not always have to be something, it can also be someone, as was the case with Harper. In December 2017, Staff Sergeant Timothy White went home from deployment deciding to surprise his daughter with his homecoming on Christmas day.
Timothy was staged in a huge box next to their Christmas tree and when the time came Harper’s mom had to lift the top off only to reveal her dad crouching inside. Harper was elated and giggling, hugging her father over and over showing how much she missed him.
Finding the gift that means something to the recipient can be daunting, whether it’s a modern, old school or a something special kind of gift. Here you can find 30 of the best gift ideas for 2018.

Source: Maiden