Homeless man went viral for his emotional & breathtaking rendition of John Legend's 'All Of Me'
You can find incredible talent anywhere. That’s what one homeless man on the sidewalk in South Carolina proved to the world, and his story is quite touching too.
Byon Artrell McCullough from Florence became homeless after going to prison for three years on drug charges. According to The New York Daily News, he came home to no family and found no one willing to hire him.

Instead of sinking into despair, McCullough, also known as No Cash, decided to make use the one thing he still had: his voice.
In a video that has now been viewed over 19 million times, McCullough can be seen outside a store with a “Will sang 4 food” sign hanging around his neck. In one hand, he holds three bags of Doritos which he later claimed to have gotten from passers-by.

Most people walk past him and ignore his pleas to sing for them in exchange for food, but two young ladies eventually stop. No Cash has such a likable personality too, as he wastes no time in telling them they look pretty, like “Nicki Minaj.”
After giving him some change, one of the ladies, looking quite amused, asks him to sing something special for her.

When McCullough launched into his rendition of John Legend's hit track, not only are the ladies shocked, but a crowd starts to gather around the homeless enigma. In addition to his strong vocals, McCullough bears the carriage of a professional performer as he gestures towards his benefactor.
His breathtaking rendition earns him a round of applause from the small crowd and even more money. No Cash was also heard telling the person filming that he had made $204 so far for the day.

Thousands of comments have since trailed his post, with many internet users comparing him to John Legend himself.
“Is this john legend undercover hahahahah [sic] has such a gifted voice,” one user said.
Another observed:
“The fact he’s asking for food and not money is amazing, but I wish him luck.”
Meanwhile, there have been speculations that No Cash is not homeless. Specific reports claiming it’s all a setup point out the fact that “No Cash is clean in the face, kept in the hair, fully endearing, and wearing an earring.”
They also imply that his story of going to jail does not correspond with the timestamp of some past videos on his YouTube page.
It’s up to the viewer to decide if they want to believe McCullough is homeless or not, but one thing is sure:
He has what it takes to give John Legend a run for his money.