5-year-old boy got haircut identical to his friend who is a different race to trick pre-K teacher
Nothing beats the innocence of a child. One five-year-old preschooler was convinced he could trick his teacher into believing he was his friend, but there was a more significant obstacle he didn’t see.
Jaxon Rosebush from Louisville, Kentucky needed a haircut, and he knew it. He also knew exactly how he wanted the hair to be cut.
“How are you getting your hair done today?” Jaxon was asked, and he answered swiftly, “Like Reddy’s!”
Reddy Weldon, Jaxon’s classmate, and close friend, also added:
“Jaxon’s me and I’m Jaxon and Jaxon’s me.”
There was more to Jaxon’s haircut choice. As part of a grand plan with his friend, he planned to trick their teacher into believing he was Reddy.
Jaxon told his plan to his mother, Lydia Rosebush, who thought it was hilarious for one reason the boys did not see: their race.
Alongside a photo of the two friends from their school event, Lydia shared on Facebook:
“If this isn't proof that hate and prejudice is something that is taught I don't know what is. The only difference Jax sees in the two of them is their hair.”
Lydia also told CBS Miami, “He was like, ‘Yeah, so we can trick the teacher. We’ll look just alike; she won’t be able to tell the difference between the two of us! I was like, ‘OK!’ and again, I know what Reddy looks like, so that made me chuckle.”
The Facebook post meant for Lydia’s few friends ended up making it around the world with over 100,000 shares, thanks to the deeper meaning implied by the boys’ friendship.
Reddy is African, and along with his older brother, was adopted from the Congo by clergyman Kevin Weldon and his wife, both white.
“My sons do not look like me... but we are family all the same," Weldon told WAVE 3 News. "We share the same last name, love each other with all we have and are a forever family. One day when I am gone, they will inherit all that I have and carry on our family name."
Despite looking very different from his parents, Reddy has been taught to love everyone the same. Sadly, this quality is often tainted and sometimes destroyed by society. As Weldon concluded:
“There’s an innocence children have that sometimes we lose. So if we could get some of that back, I think it would be amazing.”
The National Geographic said as much in an April 2018 Race issue where they profiled fraternal twins, Millie and Marcia Biggs. The girls, born to a Jamaican father and an English mother, have black and white skin colors respectively.
Consulting scientific evidence, the article concludes that racism or even the concept of having different races is pointless.
“The visible differences between peoples are accidents of history”—the result of mutations, migrations, natural selection, the isolation of some populations, and interbreeding among others. The very concept of race—to quote DNA-sequencing pioneer Craig Venter—‘has no genetic or scientific basis.’”