Wife hysterically laughs filming husband gag every time he touches newborn's dirty diapers
This father showcased his attempt to change his newborn baby's dirty diaper, and it didn't go too well. HIs wife shared the hilarious clip on Facebook on Monday where it went viral.
In the video, the dad gets ready to do the dirty deed: changing his daughter's soiled nappy. He let out a good-natured laugh, knowing he's not gonna like what's coming his way.
He slowly opened the diaper and is compelled to gag right away at the putrid aroma that entered his nostrils. Again, he went into a fit of giggles.
The hilarious clip is found below.
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Source: Daily Mail
As he repeatedly attempted to change the dirty diaper, he kept gagging at the horrible smell.
Viewers heard the retching sounds he made throughout the entire ordeal.
He took out a wipe and got rid of the mess. At the same time, he was forced to turn away, unable to take in the sight and smell of his daughter's mess.

Source: Daily Mail
His hands shot up to his mouth as he tried not to puke.
Meanwhile, the man's wife laughed behind the camera, bemused at the display.
Finally, the man is able to complete the task and get his daughter all cleaned up without any vomit involved.
Back in 2017, another father experienced a similar attack on his sense of smell when he also changed a diaper.
The dad filmed himself almost puking every so often throughout the challenge.
He went back and forth between gagging and cleaning. Sounds of agony are heard throughout the video.
At one point he had to double over as he nearly vomitted and had to remove some saliva.
And in 2016, a baby daughter's adorable reaction to her poor dad's gagging when changing her diaper also went viral on Facebook.
The oblivious girl simply laughed as her father made several retching sounds and even turned around at the sight of her poop.
Meanwhile, Donte Palmer strongly pushed to have changing tables to be available in men's bathrooms just like they are in women's.
His unique request went viral when he posted the demand to his Instagram account about two weeks ago.
He captioned it:
“This is a serious post!!! What’s the deal with not having changing tables in men’s bathroom as if we don’t exist!! #FLM #fatherslivesmatter clearly we do this often because look how comfortable my son is. It’s routine to him!!!!”
Palmer's desire to increase awareness was well-supported by netizens who think dedicated dads should be better catered for.
Gender roles of society have become more balanced in modern times. So it makes sense that more dads will require the same types of facilities to care for their babies as mothers have.