Tina Turner reveals to Oprah her final conversation with son Craig in emotional interview
Tina Turner has experienced a lot of ups and downs in her 78-year existence, but nothing is more painful than losing a son. The legendary singer opened up to Oprah about her life experiences, including the recent death of her son Craig and the last conversation she had with him prior to his death.
Tina recently just launched her new memoir called "My Love Story", where she narrates what life was like for her when she was still married to Ike Turner. This included her painful childhood, how she joined Ike and his band and later on became his "money-making machine", and how he sexually, physically, mentally, and verbally abused her through the years.
Of course, this abusive relationship led her to face some serious illnesses, which she eventually conquered, even having to pick herself up with nothing but two Jaguar cars and her name after her court hearing against Ike.
However, when Oprah caught up with Turner through a Skype call recently, it was under such heartbreaking circumstances. Her 59-year-old son Craig, ended his life a few weeks prior. This prompted Tina to speak about her loss, and what has been pushing her to keep moving forward despite all odds.
Tina's life has always been quite tragic, and so when she finally found her happily ever after with her husband Erwin, she thought she had nowhere to go but up. However, after coming back from her honeymoon, she kept feeling chest pains. When she went to the hospital, two days later, a stroke came, and that slowed her down.
Moreover, after her stroke, it was revealed that she actually had intestinal cancer and that her kidneys were failing.
"When the doctors said, "Both kidneys are out," I said, "I guess it's my time to go." I was in my 70s. In my thinking, I'd lived long enough, and I didn't want to be on a machine for the rest of my life. My mother and sister were both gone. But then Erwin chimed in, very emotional, and said, "I don't want another partner." He was 150 percent ready to give me his kidney."
Tina eventually recovered well from her illnesses, but she soon after had to face yet another tragic moment in her life - the death of her son, Craig. At first, she could not believe the news because the last conversation they had, Craig said that he was really happy.
However, there was something strange about the last conversation they had, and she didn't realize that it was his goodbye to her.
"[...] during our last talk, he said, "I just want to hear your voice and that laugh." He had never said something like that. I think that was his goodbye to me, but I didn't realize it at the time. I'm still trying to find out why he did it. Maybe something from his childhood followed him through life and was still weighing on him, and he just couldn't handle it anymore. I don't know."
Now, Turner is trying to cope with the loss of her son, while ultimately trying to get back up on her feet and continue living life with her husband Erwin.