
Sons Abandon Old Mom in Nursing Care & Sell Her House, New Owner Returns Her Home Keys Later – Story of the Day

Rita Kumar
Aug 24, 2022
12:35 P.M.

Blinded by greed and love for money, an elderly widow's sons kicked her out of her own house, sold it, and sent her to a nursing home. A few days later, the new homeowner returned her home keys with a heartwarming note that made her hug him and cry.


80-year-old wheelchair user Michelle always worried that her sons, Simon and Kevin, would send her to a nursing home one day, but her children promised they wouldn't. "We would never do this to you, mom," they assured.

Sadly, such promises turned to dust just two days before the naïve old mother's 81st birthday when Simon and Kevin handed her some documents concerning a nursing home, and the world suddenly shifted under her feet...

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"But Simon, why should I move there?" the shocked old mother asked her eldest son. "Kevin, are you in this too? Both of you promised you would never do this to me!"

"Oh, my dear...Is this even happening? Are these the keys to my house? Please tell me I'm not dreaming," bawled Michelle as she read the note.


But her sons were not ready to listen to her. She begged them to let her stay, despite the house being her late husband's, and he had left it to her. But Simon and Kevin were blinded by their material desires and ignored their mother's pleas and tears.

"Listen, mom," Simon grinned. "We know this is your house, but you can't stay alone here. You know it's difficult for us to visit you every week. We've already made arrangements with the nursing home, and you will be cared for better there. We'll visit you once a month, ok?"

"Visit me? I'm not a guest. I am your mother!" poor Michelle cried. She felt defeated. She looked around the house, hounded by the beautiful memories of her once-united family under that roof. With a heavy heart, she packed her things and got ready to move into the nursing home, much to her children's delight.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay


Two days later, Michelle was driven to a nursing facility in downtown Pittsburgh, around 30 miles from her house. She was crushed, and what deeply tormented her was how Simon and Kevin planned to sell her beloved home to buy new cars and jewels for their wives.

"Are you selling my house?" she asked them tearfully. "But you told me you would take care of it when you asked me to sign some papers."

"Oh, mom! Can you please stop talking about that house? Yes, we told you we would take care of it, but we also have other things to deal with. We're selling it, alright?" Kevin frowned.

Poor Michelle was even more distraught, imagining her treasured home would soon be gone. She moved into the nursing home and refused to look back at her sons. She was so hurt and felt orphaned by her children, who she raised with all her heart and soul.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay


Around a week later, Brad Perkins, Simon's 27-year-old son, returned home. After majoring in architecture, he moved to New York to work. He was transferred to a regional branch office in his hometown and was delighted to live with his family.

During a family dinner, Brad noticed his grandma was missing. Curious, he asked his dad and uncle where she was. "You told me granny was staying with us every Tuesday and Wednesday. But I don't see her here today. It's Tuesday, right?" he asked. "Where is she?"

Simon and Kevin were a bit startled and speechless. They hadn't told Brad anything.

"What is it, dad? Uncle Kevin, what's going on? Where is granny? Wait, let me call her."

Brad called Michelle's number, but it was switched off.

"Weird. Granny never switches off her phone. I'll dial the landline," he muttered and called the landline, but it was already disconnected.

"Dad...Uncle Kevin...What's going on? Are you gonna tell me, or shall I go check?"

Unable to hold back the truth, Simon revealed Michelle's whereabouts to his son. "She said she didn't want to be a burden on us...that's why we were forced to leave her there."


"You left granny in a nursing home?" Brad fumed. "How heartless and wicked of you two! I'm so ashamed of you! Granny would never leave that house because it was grandpa's parting gift to her!"

Brad stormed out of the house and drove to meet Michelle.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Grandma, I-I'm so sorry this happened to you!" he cried after seeing Michelle at the nursing home. "I cannot leave you here like this."

Though Michelle was angry and upset with her children, she knew her grandson was innocent, and she cried seeing him. Brad was so furious with his dad and uncle, and he promised Michelle that he would straighten everything out soon.


"But how are you going to do that?" the grandma doubted. "Your dad and uncle are stubborn and already sold the house... I have learned to embrace disappointments and heartbreaks, sweetheart. It's alright. And I'm glad to have at least one person who cares about me."

But Brad was determined. After comforting his grandma, he left immediately to seek the man who had bought his grandmother's house.

"You want to buy back this house???" the new homeowner, Alfred Turner, exclaimed in shock after Brad proposed to buy it. "Just so you know, I bought it for $238K and spent $20K on renovations and repairs."

Brad was determined to buy the house at any cost. He offered Alfred a solid $300K for the house. "$300K...I'll pay you $300K for this house. I just want it back. Please, Mr. Turner. Try to understand," he negotiated.

Alfred agreed, and the deal was sealed. Now all Brad had to do was prepare for the surprise.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay


Over two weeks later, Brad paid the full amount and reclaimed his grandmother's house. He was lucky enough to repurchase it in time because Alfred had planned to rent it out and move to his hometown in Denver.

Later that evening, Brad visited Michelle in the nursing home and asked her to pack her bags. The old lady was confused and had no idea where he was taking her. Deep inside, she hoped he wouldn't take her to his house where her sons lived. She never wanted to see them again.

"You will know, grandma," Brad said as he took the route towards Michelle's home.

"This route leads to my house," Michelle exclaimed. "But why are we going there? That house is not mine anymore."

Brad remained tight-lipped and only smiled, looking forward to seeing his granny's reaction later.

Moments later, they pulled over in front of Michelle's home, and she couldn't hold back her tears. She stared at her house, surprised, as Brad helped her with her wheelchair.

Michelle felt as if she had arrived at her doorstep from an era frozen in time. Just as she was drowned in memories, Brad hugged her and gave her the keys to the house along with a note.


"What is going on?" Michelle bawled. "Oh, my dear...Is this even happening? Did you buy this house? Are these the keys to my house? Oh, boy...please tell me I'm not dreaming."

Michelle was even more overwhelmed when she read the note:

"Granny, I would not be here with you today had you not sacrificed so much to raise my dad and uncle. Unfortunately, they never got to be good sons. But I promise to be a good grandson and will do anything to see that smile on your face. I will never let anybody take your memories away from you. This house is all yours! Love, Brad."

Tears of joy flowed from Michelle as she hugged Brad, grateful to have a grandson like him. Brad was equally moved to tears. He told her that the house belonged only to her.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay


"I've restored it to look exactly the way you left it, grandma," he said. "Grandpa's photos and your favorite indoor plants near your armchair are just there where you left them."

It was the happiest day of Michelle's life. She ran her hands on the smooth walls of her house and wheeled to every nook and corner, crying. As an added joy, Brad moved in with her because he wanted to ensure his dad and uncle never bothered his beloved granny again.

Simon and Kevin later apologized to their mother, but the heartbreak they inflicted on her was deeper than their regret. Michelle refused to talk to them, saying only time would heal everything.

As for Brad, he cut ties with his dad and uncle. He was determined to treat them the way they treated his poor granny and never forgave them. He even wanted to sue them, but after Michelle told him not to, he dropped the idea and knew going no contact would hurt even more. Ultimately, he became a protective fence around his beloved grandma until her last breath!

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash


What can we learn from this story?

  • Your elders are not a burden, so love and respect them. Simon and Kevin had promised their mother they would never leave her in a nursing home. But blinded by their worldly desires, they sent her to an elderly care facility and sold her house. They lacked the love and affection their mother deserved at an old age and only regarded her as a burden.
  • Your children will treat you the same way you treat your parents. When Brad learned his dad and uncle sent his grandma to a nursing home and ousted her from her house, he was furious. He repurchased the house for her and cut ties with his dad and uncle. Ultimately, he also moved in with his granny to protect her from further heartbreak and trouble from her greedy sons.

A rich man who thought money could buy everything demolished a poor older man's house to build a mall. He checked the ruins later and accidentally found his childhood photo among the debris. Click here to read the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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