Skaters recreate iconic ‘Dirty Dancing’ scene on ice, and their brilliant moves are thrilling
"Dirty Dancing" is an iconic film and Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey's performance continues to be mimicked despite the 31 years that passed since its release.
But while the original duo will forever be the best of the best, Stefania Berton and Ondrej Hotarek managed to come pretty close to them with their incredible talent.
The ice skating pair took over the "Kings of Ice" ice skating competition with an exhibition inspired by the magnificent "Dirty Dancing" choreography and the video ended up on Youtube.
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The professional duo appeared in front of the crowd dressed exactly like Baby, Grey's character, and Johnny, played by Swayze, and danced to the sound of Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes' "(I've Had The) Time Of My Life."
Just like in the movie, Berton started by arching her back while Hotarek spun her in a slow half-circle, after which he ran his hand along the side of her body.
From there, the performance sped up and they did several spinning circles around each other, all while pulling off lifts and twirls that amazed the crowd.
They followed the movie pretty well and, to make it justice, Berton skated at full speed towards Hotarek, who took her momentum to lift her above his head.
After a few double axels and throws, classic ice skating moves, came the big moment: the single-handed overhead spin, during which Hotarek supported Berton's full body weight.
In the end, the duo, who split up two years after this performance, in 2014, received a standing ovation. It takes a lot of confidence to skate in front of so many people, but that courage is something that one is born with.
Riana Kadyrova, a little girl who started ice skating at the age of two, followed Berton and Hotarek's example and performed a very impressive routine.
The Russian toddler became a Youtube sensation thanks to an adorable performance in front of a small crowd. Despite her little legs and big ice skates, Kadyrova wowed the audience and made it clear that she is a force to be reckoned with on the ice.