Woman goes viral with song mocking Trump’s claim that it’s a ‘scary time for young men’
A week after Donald Trump released a statement saying that it's a "scary time for young men", a woman made sure to debunk this claim by writing a song about it. Since then, she has gone viral and has gained both critics and followers.
Referring to the sexual assault allegations against the newest Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump said that it's a "scary time for young men in America". Shocked and appalled by what the president has said, Lynzy Lab Steward made sure to put some humor into her response to the president.
While playing the ukelele, she composed a song called "A Scary Time", which is all about male privilege and the many reasons that women have to fear about men, which ranged from things like feeling small and belittled when speaking out about grave issues like sexual assault, to even being raped.
Lynzy then shared the song on her Instagram, and since then, she has gone viral. On her caption, she wrote:
“It’s a really scary time for boys and men right now. So I wrote a song about it.”
Aside from narrating the different things that women have to fear, she also added some sarcastic lyrics about what has been happening in America, including what had happened to the now Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh.
“It’s really tough when your reputation’s on the line/ And any woman you’ve assaulted could turn up anytime/ Yeah, it sure is a scary time for guys.”
Trying to save herself from future lawsuits, Stewart makes sure not to mention Trump or Kavanaugh in the song, but she does make a reference to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the research psychologist, and professor who claimed that she was sexually assaulted at a high school party in the 1980s by Kavanaugh.
“I can’t speak out against my rapist after 35 years/ I can’t be taken seriously if I’m holding back tears/ and I can’t ever speak earnestly about all my fears/ But it sure is a scary time for dudes.”
As for what Trump said that triggered the song, he defended Kavanaugh during his controversial appointment while speaking to media reporters on the White House lawn last week saying:
“It is a very scary time for young men in America, where you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of. This is a very, very — this is a very difficult time. What’s happening here has much more to do than even the appointment of a Supreme Court justice. It’s a very scary situation where you’re guilty until proven innocent. You could be somebody that was perfect your entire life and somebody could accuse you of something.”