Girl dresses as 'tired mom' for Halloween, and her photos go viral among women
Most teens will pick a vampire or a werewolf costume to dress up for Halloween, but this girl was original.
Jillian’s choice of a Halloween costume is unusual. She chose to dress up as a ‘tired mom,’ and her costume resonates with women all over the world.
Jillian's mother, Lindsey, owns a photography studio, and she photographed her daughter in her costume and posted it on Facebook/Hartsocks Photography on October 27, 2018, where it has been shared an incredible 64,276 times.
“Jillian sees me trying to manage our big, active family AND also our profession… plus, she helps a lot so she knows exactly what it’s like to be a tired mommy (and sister!) and she thought it would be a perfect costume for her.”
Lindsey explains that Jillian's costume is inspired by her - she has 9 children and runs a photography studio. In fact, Lindsey considers herself the poster child of tired moms.
Jillian seems to have a keen eye for detail because she nailed every little part of the picture-perfect outfit.
Every piece of Jillian's outfit screams "exhaustion," starting with her makeup and hairdo. Jillian's face is suitably pale, and her eyes are glazed and have dark circles announcing sleepless nights breastfeeding and soothing nightmares.
Jillian donned a saggy cardigan, a bedraggled and puke-stained t-shirt, and baggy yoga pants as the perfect fashion choice for a desperate mom. She added touching details, such as a stained feeding bra, a barf cloth on her shoulder to which she held a newborn - and last but not least, a toddler clinging to her leg.
Lindsay's post was overrun by comments from women from all over the US and beyond. Women felt that Jillian had portrayed their plight accurately. All the difficulties of balancing the demands of their children, and carrying on their duties at home and at work.
“I legit thought this was me. From the yoga pants, spit up, Starbucks cup to the Target bag. She literally NAILED IT!! and can’t forget the nursing pad.”
Another harried mom quipped:
“I don’t know who you are but I didn’t give you permission to use a picture of me. I’d fight you about this but my kid is screaming again. Brb.”
It looks like Jillian is ready to take on the realities of motherhood when her turn comes around...Or is she?
Read more on Twitter Amomama USA.

Source: US Magazine
Lainie Griffin, a 7-year-old from Indiana, took a page out of Jillian's book and dressed up as a frazzled mom for Halloween.
A friend of her family, Rachael Beachy shared a photo of the second-grader dressed in her Halloween costume on October 29, 2018, and it went viral, with 180,000 likes and more than 22,000 comments in just two days.
“Notice the spit up and dark circles under her eyes. I’m dead! This is the best costume I’ve ever seen!”
Lainie dressed up as a desperate mom by donning flip-flops, sweatpants and a vomit-stained pink sweatshirt. Her hair was swept up in a messy ponytail, and dark circles ringed her dazed eyes. The most delicious detail is a toddler clinging desperately to her leg even as she cradles a newborn.
Lainie’s mother, Jessica Griffin, revealed that the costume was her daughter's idea, down to the last detail.
It looks like Lainie and Jillian are already very aware of the reality of motherhood, even at such a young age. Will they cope any better than their frazzled moms? Only time will tell.