
Vet makes desperate appeal to help old dog who stopped eating and playing since she was abandoned

Aby Rivas
Nov 13, 2018
01:10 P.M.

Paper’s mood fell quickly after hours passed and her owner didn’t come back for her. The veterinary of the pet store where she was abandoned made a plea on Facebook to help the sad dog find a new, loving family, as she was slowly getting depressed.


A heartless woman caused outrage on social media after footage from a surveillance camera shows how she abandoned her old beagle dog at a pet store named Doctor Pulgas, located in El Retiro municipality of eastern Antioquia (Colombia).

Source: Facebook/Doctor Pulgas

Source: Facebook/Doctor Pulgas

After being abandoned, the dog seems to have realized her situation and the fact that she was left alone, so she laid down on a corner of the store and her appetite and desire to play vanished. She only lifted her head everytime the door opened, hoping to see her owner entering the store.

Carlos Naranjo, veterinarian, and owner of the establishment took a few minutes of his time to report the situation of Paper through the store's Facebook page.

Source: Facebook/Doctor Pulgas

Source: Facebook/Doctor Pulgas

In a video that lasted less than 15 seconds, the owner explained to the Antioquia community what was happening with the dog. He wrote:

"This is how the beauty that was left this week in our store spends her day. We need you to help us spread the information so that it is clear that the abandonment was reported so she can be put for adoption soon. Thanks to all those who have helped."

Source: Facebook/Doctor Pulgas

Source: Facebook/Doctor Pulgas


Immediately, dozens of followers began to fill the comment section. Many were angry at the woman's actions, and others expressed the pain they felt at seeing Paper in such a sad mood, many offered to adopt the dog and thus give her a new home.


According to Caracol News, the store owner explained that "a woman approached our store at the end of the afternoon. First, she came in and asked if we could receive the dog on the hair salon and after a while, she returned with the dog and left. She left us her name and phone number and said she would be back in an hour.”


Also, in a video posted on Facebook, the staff of Doctor Pulgas specified that the person who left his pet had been identified as Consuelo Arcila.

Source: Facebook/Doctor Pulgas

Source: Facebook/Doctor Pulgas

"We waited an hour after our usual closing time, and she never appeared. Her phone had no signal,” Naranjo said.

After they closed the store, the staff decided to take the dog into a pet nursery for the night, and the next day they returned to the pet shop, but they didn’t hear from the alleged owner. At that moment, Paper's mood began to decline rapidly.


Naranjo thought that it was possible something bad had happened to the lady, but since bad news travel faster, he realized it was a case of abandonment.

"After reviewing the footage from the surveillance cameras, it seems clear that the woman first analyzed the store and then returned with her cap on and without looking up, probably to avoid being identified."

Fortunately, the campaign that was carried out through social media to give a new home to Paper had positive results, and on November 5 the dog was adopted by a new loving family that vowed to take care of her.



Even though Paper’s story had a happy ending, not all abandoned dogs have the same luck.

A sad example of this was Nube Viajera, or “Wandering Cloud,” a two-year-old dog who died of a broken heart after being abandoned at the Palonegro airport in Colombia.

Passengers and airport staff tried to lift the dog’s mood, they offered her food and water, but after wandering around the airport for a month looking for her owner, she eventually got depressed and cowered in a corner of the airport.

Source: Australscope

Source: Australscope

Eventually, someone called an animal shelter to take care of the dog, but even with the food and medicines the vets gave her, the dog’s health was so deteriorated that she didn’t resist longer.

“Apparently, during the first month that the dog was at the airport, it was going through the halls looking for someone, possibly the owner. That state of waiting deteriorated its health, to the point that she no longer received food,” stated Alejandro Sotomonte Nino, a vet from the Colombian Animal Protection Foundation.

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