
Michelle Obama was embarrassed by Melania Trump's gift but her husband Baraсk saved the day

Manuela Cardiga
Nov 19, 2018
05:38 P.M.

Michelle Obama finally revealed how her husband came to her rescue when Melania Trump broke protocol.


The awkward moment was captured on camera and seen all around the world. The Obamas were waiting at the front door of the White House to welcome Donald and Melania Trump to their new home in time-honored tradition.

But the new First Lady broke protocol and handed Michelle Obama a gift, and her embarrassment was visible. Michelle opened up about the incident to Ellen DeGeneres and the interview was posted on YouTube/TheEllenShow.


“They tell you that you’re going to do this; they’re going to stand here. Never before do you get this gift, so I’m sort of like, Okay . . .”

Michelle Obama, YouTube/TheEllenShow, February 2018.


On the day of Donald Trump's inauguration, Barack and Michelle were waiting at the front door of the White House for the President-Elect and his wife.

The Trumps arrived, and Donald sped up the steps, leaving his wife behind. When Mrs. Trump ascended the steps to the White House she was seen to be carrying a gift-wrapped box.



Michelle explained to Ellen that the meeting at the White House door is a tradition that is carefully choreographed by protocol: The presidential couples meet and turn for a photograph, but Melania's gesture left Michelle at a loss.


Since none of the Obama's White House staff was present, Michelle had no-one to hand the gift to. She even looked meaningfully at the Marine standing guard, but he simply ignored her. Michelle thought she'd have to take the historic photo holding the box.

Source: Getty Images

Source: Getty Images


At that moment, Barack smoothly stepped in and whisked the gift box out of her hands and took it inside the White House. He then returned for the picture with a calm smile. Mission accomplished.

“And then my husband saved the day. See, he grabbed the box and took it back inside. But everybody cleared out. No staff, no one. I was like, What do you do with the box?”

Source: Getty Images

Source: Getty Images



Ellen leaned in and asked Michelle the question that has been on everyone's mind for nearly two years: "What was in the box?" What was in the baby-blue Tiffany & Co.’s box Melania Trump gave Michelle Obama on Inauguration day?

And the gift was...A lovely picture frame, Michelle confided. And so the mystery is solved. The cringe-worthy moment has gone down in history, and perhaps one day that picture frame will be xhibeted in the White House Visitor Centre.


The brief fumble with protocol on the White House porch was the least of Michelle Obama's worries on January 20, 2017.


The former First Lady revealed in her recent memoirs "Becoming" which was published by Crown Publishing Group and released on November 13, 2018, has been causing a furor over some of its controversial revelations with regards to Michelle's feelings, and her opinion of President Donald Trump.

Attending the Inauguration ceremony, Michelle immediately noted that the diversity that had been a feature of her husband's two Inaugurations was sadly missing.

“Someone from Barack’s administration might have said that the optics were bad ― that what the public saw didn’t reflect the president’s reality or ideals,” she said. “But in this case, maybe it did. Realizing it, I made my own optic adjustment: I stopped even trying to smile.”

President Trump reacted to Michelle Obama's book by commenting that the controversy was something she had to include since "she was paid to write a book."

Michelle Obama has denied any interest in running for public office, although polls would rate her the candidate with the best chance at becoming the next President of the United States.

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