
Beto O'Rourke defends Beyoncé following criticisms of her last-minute support

Monica Otayza
Nov 19, 2018
11:32 A.M.

Beto O'Rourke spoke up to defend Beyonce over his supporters' criticisms of her last-minute support during the recently concluded midterm elections in America.


Beyonce has always been quite vocal when it comes to US politics, and that continues to be the case in this year's midterm elections. Being raised in Houston, Texas, the Queen Bee made sure to show support for her chosen Texas senatorial candidate, particularly Democrat bet, Beto O'Rourke.

In her recent endorsement, however, she came in a little too late as she posted her show of support on the last day of voting, particularly a few hours before polling booths closed. That caused her to garner some hate from Beto supporters, who claimed that an earlier endorsement could have entirely changed the results of the election. Meanwhile, there were also some who found it troublesome how celebrities try and influence the votes of ordinary people as if they had no choice themselves.


"@jackbauer818: Hahaha Beto got beat"

"@thewarriorprincess_: So sad to see so many looking for celebrities to influence how ppl vote. It's actually pathetic and proves that so many can't think for themselves. This world..."


"@kendalized: Yiiikes sadly everyone’s right bey. You for sure should have had your team post this sooner"

The singer released a series of Instagram posts sporting some black-and-white gear, including a cap that said "Beto", which partially covered her face.

"I’m feeling grateful for everyone before me who fought so hard to give us all the right to have a voice. We can’t voice our frustrations and complain about what’s wrong without voting and exercising our power to make it right."


Beto O'Rourke once made headlines after he visited all 254 Texas counties, drawing large crowds even in fiercely conservative areas that Democrats often don't bother visiting. He also made history after raking in donations from all over the country, setting a new record of $38 million in a three-month period. In total, he raised $70 million.


Some of O'Rourke's statement stands have included showing support for impeaching Trump, decriminalizing marijuana, relaxing federal immigration policy, and implementing universal health care. Because of this, he has gained the support not only of Beyonce, but other personalities such as Willie Nelson, LeBron James, and Travis Scott.

Their endorsement has been recognized by the Senate-hopeful himself after TMZ caught him on Capitol Hill.

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