
Media criticizes President Trump's work ethic during Thanksgiving holiday in Mar-a-Lago

Ra'eesah Manack
Nov 26, 2018
12:07 A.M.

President Donald Trump raises eyebrows regularly and this Thanksgiving is no different.


Criticism about his work ethic poured forward after it became known he would be spending the holidays at Mar-a-Lago.

The President, his wife, and son decided to spend the Thanksgiving holiday in South Florida. They flew to Palm Beach International in Airforce One and landed around 6 p.m. on Tuesday.

It is President Donald Trump’s first visit to Mar-a-Lago since April. Mar-a Lago has been dubbed the "Winter Whitehouse."


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Mar-a-Lago is a resort and National Historic Landmark in Palm Beach, Florida. It is an exclusive members-only club that consists of guest rooms, a spa, and other hotel-style amenities.

While every president had their favorite retreat to go to when they needed to escape Washington, Trump's choice raised more than a few eyebrows.

Critics immediately pointed out that the country club would prove to be a conflict of interest.


The former White House ethics lawyer Norman Eisen described Mar-a-lago as "a place where, for sky-high admissions fees, business executives who have strong interests before the government can literally engage in purchasing access to the president. Those fees also seem to be down payments on ambassadorships.”

Many media critics pointed out that during his presidency Trump has blurred the lines between politics, business and his personal life a few times.


They claimed Lana Marks, a Palm Beach handbag designer and Mar-a-Lago member, who was recently appointed as a U.S. ambassador to South Africa is a clear example of Trump selling government positions to the highest bidder.

Besides pointing out, Trumps questionable Thanksgiving holiday decisions, the media also zoned in on the young, Barron Trump.

The teen made a rare public appearance and stunned fans of the family with how quickly he has grown up.


The teen was dressed up very similar to his father and stood almost as tall as him too. He accompanied his parents to the Thanksgiving celebrations and then jetted off with them for their holiday in Florida.

While political critics were concerned with Donald Trump and the tabloids obsessed over Barron's public appearance, fashion critics zoned in on Melania's outfit choice.

She wore a bold geometric Dior coat to the Thanksgiving Turkey Pardoning and then again for traveling.

The bold choice left fans arguing about whether it was classy and chic or an epic outfit fail.

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