'Mexico should move the flag waving Migrants many of whom are stone cold criminals,' says Trump
President Donald Trump threatens permanent closure of the border if Mexico does not deal with the illegal immigrants marching towards the USA.
The controversy about the Migrant Caravan reignited over the weekend when a peaceful demonstration by migrants at the US/Tijuana border asking that they be allowed to apply for asylum in the USA ended in a riot.
Groups of desperate migrants attempted to cross the border, and the situation escalated when the US Border Patrol agents fired tear gas into a crowd of hundreds of asylum seekers, including children. A handful of the migrants lobbed stones at the Border Patrol agents, who responded with tear gas and rubber bullets.
In the aftermath of the incident, President Donald Trump has demanded that Mexican authorities send the migrants “back to their countries” or face a permanent closure of the border through a post on his Twitter account on November 26, 2018.
“Mexico should move the flag-waving Migrants, many of whom are stone cold criminals, back to their countries. Do it by plane, do it by bus, do it anyway you want, but they are NOT coming into the U.S.A."
President Donald Trump, Twitter, November 26, 2018.
President Trump’s tweet followed a hint from his administration that the incoming Mexican Government had agreed to deport migrants who tried to enter the U.S illegally through Mexico.
This would mean that asylum claims from members of a series of caravans originating in Central America would be processed outside the U.S. - a policy which was temporarily ruled against by a 9th Circuit judge.
The Mexican Government has vehemently denied having made an agreement with the Trump administration with regards to the Migrant Caravans or agreeing to allow migrants to wait in Mexico while their asylum requests are processed.
The San Ysidro port of entry, one of the busiest on the border separating the two countries. has been closed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, impeding both northbound and southbound crossings for both pedestrians and vehicles on November 25, at 11:30 a.m. local time.
Four hours after the initial closure, the pedestrian lanes were reopened, followed by the vehicle lanes. According to CBP, a group of the supposedly peaceful demonstrators had attempted to storm the northbound and southbound vehicle lanes and force an entry into the USA.
In an attempt to stop the charge, CBP agents shot several rounds of tear gas into the crowds, and when a few migrants reacted by throwing rocks, the agents responded with rubber bullets.
It was this incident which prompted President Trump's tweet, which ended by extolling: "Congress, fund the WALL!"
According to the Washington Post, the Mexican Government has vehemently denied having made an agreement with the Trump administration with regards to the Migrant Caravans or agreeing to allow migrants to wait in Mexico while their asylum requests are processed - which can take years. The Trump administration has stated that the vast majority of asylum claims as fraudulent or legally insufficient.
“There is no agreement of any sort between the incoming Mexican government and the U.S. government.”
Future Interior Minister Olga Sanchez
President Trump has characterized the migrants as "bad people" and "stone-cold criminals," while the Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum has appealed to the UN for aid.
Gastelum describes the situation as a humanitarian crisis, with close to 5,000 men, women and children living without food or shelter as they wait to cross into the USA.
Read more on Twitter Amomama USA.
While some are focused on the developing crisis at the US/ Mexico border, others are following the fascinating claim by a London-based rapper President T, who says that President Donald Trump has stolen his "handle."
On November 20, the U.S. president referred to himself in the third person as "President T":
“So great that oil prices are falling (thank you President T). Add that, which is like a big tax cut, to our other good economic news. Inflation down (are you listening Fed)."
The real President T retweeted the message to his 16,000 followers, and it went viral. Many of the President's detractors took the opportunity to respond:
“There’s about an 80% chance he called himself “President T” because he forgot how to spell the rest of his own name.”
Journalist Jules Suzdaltsev
President Trump has famously attributed nicknames to his opposers, such as "Little Rocket Man" - North Korean President Kim Jong Un; "Crooked Hillary" - former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, or "Mr. Magoo" - ex-attorney general Jeff Sessions.