
Mother and 10-month-old daughter killed by grizzly bear in a remote area

Odette Odendaal
Dec 06, 2018
12:20 P.M.

On Monday a Yukon Elementary school teacher and her 10-month-old daughter got attacked and killed by a grizzly bear.


The Yukon Coroner’s Service stated that 37-year-old Valerie Theoret and her baby, Adele Roesholt died on Monday following a bear attack.

In a news release, Yukon’s coroner, Heather Jones said that Gjermund Roesholt, father of Adele, found her and his partner Valerie around 3 pm on Monday upon his return to their remote cabin.

Valerie, a Grade 6 French immersion teacher at Whitehorse Elementary School, was on maternity leave and spent the last three months at Einarson Lake where they had been trapping.


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Gjermund returned to the cabin after being on the family’s trapline and immediately got charged by a grizzly bear about 100 meters from the cabin. He shot the bear, killing it, and went straight to the cabin where he found the bodies of his partner and baby outside.


An emergency beacon device that Gjermund used to call for help went to the RCMP in Mayo, a village of 200 people, and friends. Another friend that heard the news from one of the friends on Gjermund’s emergency contact list, Remy Beaupre, expressed his shock:

"It's a big, big blow. Everybody is totally devastated right now."

Remy added that the couple bought their remote trapline around three years ago, and spent as much time out there as they could. They were avid outdoor people with a lot of experience in the wilderness.


Brain Melanson, a fellow trapper in the area owning a trapline close to the couple along with other local trappers, offer any assistance they can as Brain said:

"He's going to need support, and lots of it — from everybody."

Whitehorse Elementary School sent out notifications of their former teacher, Valerie and her daughter’s death to parents on Tuesday and made a support team available at the school for students and staff. The incident is still being investigated by the Yukon’s coroner, the RCMP, and Yukon’s department of environment.


Another woman died earlier the year in September after an animal attack of another kind. 64-year-old Robin Conway took her newly adopted pit bull terrier for a walk one Monday evening and never returned.

After the attack, Robin’s sister, Susan said:

"She was in love with that dog. And she is in love with animals -- Conway. The dog, apparently, went after her. She was dead."


When Robin didn’t return her husband looked out back and saw the dog standing over Robin, acting quickly the dog got tied to the backyard fence.

Sherry Llewellyn, a spokeswoman with the police department, said:

"Even it's behavior at the scene after our first responders got there -- the dog was on a leash, but lunging and barking. They tried to subdue him and ultimately had to euthanize him."


A necropsy will be done to check for any medical issues. However, no other incidents got reported involving the particular dog. Animal attacks can take a controversial turn, as it did on Saturday, July 28 in Norway when a polar bear attacked a cruise ship guard.

The MS Bremen cruise ship docked at the Spitsbergen island and the cruise ship guards stepped onto the island in preparation of passengers disembarking for a while.


Source: Freepik

Source: Freepik

A polar bear attacked one of the guards and got shot and killed. The spokesperson of the German Hapag Lloyd Cruises Company, Negar Etminan stated that the polar bear attacked the guard on the head, and killing the bear was done in self-defense.

The company posted a lengthy elaboration on the incident and stated that the ship acted following legal requirements. Many people expressed their disagreement about the polar bear that got shot and pointed out that humans went into their habitat and the bear ultimately suffered for acting true to its nature.

No two incidents are the same, and each case should be looked at on own merit

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