Creepy' video of Melania Trump watching ballerinas perform at the White house in 2017 went viral again
Melania Trump was caught in a "creepy" video in 2017 while watching ballerinas perform at the White House. The video, shown below, has gone viral again.
The First Lady had invited reporters to tour her home in 2017 and see the Christmas decorations. However, when reporters arrived they found her standing in the White House Grand Foyer watching ballerinas.
The two visiting ballerinas were performing Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker. They floated beautifully through the foyer however, the moment turned slightly "creepy" due to the First Lady of the United States of America.
Most people would watch the ballerinas from a distance and if they ever get a chance to watch them up close they'd be blown away by how gorgeous they look. However, the First Lady had a very different reaction.
Melania stood stoically staring at the ballerinas. The FLOTUS stood completely still with a completely blank look on her face as the dancers twirled through a beloved holiday classic.
She is known for her stern demeanor but this time, her stone-faced look came off a tiny bit odd to those who watched her stand with her arms at her side during the performance. The event proved truly strange to onlookers and resulted in The Hill's Jody Kurtz capturing it on video.
She shared it on Twitter where fans immediately commented on the awkwardness of the situation. One said, "the woman looks absolutely miserable all the time, even when ballerinas perform for her."
While some felt that the organizers had failed to make proper seating for the FLOTUS. Chalking up the strange situation to bad planning and calling it "just odd looking."
"It's like she just came downstairs and suddenly, ballet dancers." ~@beckyblackbooks
Melania appeared to be unaware of how creepy the entire situation seemed. she eventually cracked a small smiled.
Despite the creepy start to the evening, the White House Christmas decorations tour went off without a hitch. Melania was really excited about the forthcoming holidays as she led the tour.
This year the First Lady just did her second house tour. However, many fans couldn't help reminiscing over last years strange events and the video went viral all over again.
"The President, Barron, and I are very excited for our first Christmas in the White House. As with many families across the country, holiday traditions are very important to us. I hope when visiting the People's House this year, visitors will get a sense of being home for the holidays. On behalf of my husband and Barron, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season." said the First Lady last year.
The year the tour was only the beginning of the festive season events hosted at the White House. The president and FLOTUS also hosted the Christmas reception earlier this week.
Guests were welcomed into the already decorated home and listened to messages from the presidential couple before the evening kicked off. The couple welcomed their guests and gave quick speeches.
Melania used the opportunity to say, “I just want to wish you Merry Christmas, and a happy, prosperous and peaceful New Year, and enjoy the White House.”