New Jersey first-graders reportedly learn at school that Santa isn't real
A substitute teacher at Montville told first graders that Santa Claus was made up and parents were furious.
A first grade class at Montville had their Santa Clause dreams shattered on Thursday. A substitute teacher took it upon herself to tell the class the truth about Santa.
The substitute teacher later announced that she revealed the truth behind Santa. She said she did so while working in a Cedar Hill School first grade classroom.
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The Cedar Hill principal Michael Raj sent a letter home to parents. In the letter, he warned the parents about the incident.
"I am sending this letter so that you are aware of the situation and if the conversation comes up at home over the next few days you can take appropriate steps to maintain the childhood innocence of the holiday season." wrote Raj

An upset parent took to Facebook to reveal the full story. She wrote:
"A substitute teacher asked the kids which holiday was coming up and when somebody answered 'Christmas,' she proceeded to just completely unleash on them."

The furious parent wrote, "She told them Santa isn’t real and parents just buy presents and put them under their tree. She told them reindeer can’t fly and elves are not real- elf on the shelf is just a pretend doll that your parents move around. She did not even stop there: the tooth fairy is not real because mom or dad just sneak into your room in the middle of the night and put money under your pillow, same goes for the Easter bunny. She told them magic does not exist. There is no such thing as magic anything."

Many people took to the comments section to agree with the angry parents. Pointing out how damaging it could be for young children to have their beliefs ripped away from them.
However, some people felt the children were old enough to hand the truth. One user wrote, "you're seven or whatever. Deal with it. Grow up."

Another teacher from a nearby high school reached out after the incident. Mrs. Casey Daniel, an English teacher at Toms River High School, and her journalism class decided to write to the children of our class individual, personalized, whimsical letters from the North Pole.
The amazing teacher decided the task would be part of their creative writing holiday project. The parents of the first graders were blown away with the gesture.
"A great big THANK YOU to this wonderful woman and her students for taking the time and having such big, kind hearts!" wrote the parent on FB