Actress faked her sadness in a video interview to protect the man who killed her daughter
A history of abuse marked the short and tragic life of little Ellie Butler. But what surprises us the most is that the mother covered up the aggressor, who was her own father.
Body language experts concluded that Jennie Gray, who worked as an extra on the television series EastEnders, used her acting skills to trick British police during an interrogation whose images have just been released, in order to protect her husband.
According to experts, Gray feigned sadness in an interview with police officers to cover up his partner, who beat his 6-year-old daughter, Ellie Butler, in a fit of rage at her home in Sutton, from south London.
Her body was found on the floor of his room in October 2013 with "catastrophic head injuries", comparable to those suffering car accident victims and Butler, 38, was imprisoned for 23 years in 2016.
Gray was convicted of perverting the course of justice after trying to 'cover up' to protect the sadistic Butler, in images that can be seen here for the first time. Read more on our Twitter account @amomama_usa.
In the video, the actress pretends to cry while defending the murderer, who has been described as "violent and abusive."
In a new documentary, Faking It: Tears Of A Crime, body language specialists reveal that Gray gave crucial clues that she was lying during the interrogation.
These include holding a tissue as support without shedding tears and not mentioning her daughter's name in any of your answers. Experts in psychology, body language and speech analyzed the images of Gray, who says: "I don't think Ben has done anything against her."
"If I ever had any reason to believe that someone could do that to my daughter, I would do everything against them," the woman added.
The mother, who also had a role in The Bill, "almost bows" after the police officer congratulated her. Despite putting her acting skills to the test, Gray refused to use her daughter's name while the police interrogated her.
Body language analyst Cliff Lansley said: "Her acting skills were not strong enough to mask the delight, the satisfaction she was receiving in achieving sympathy and empathy apparently on the part of the interviewer."
The experts also show how a small head gesture and a brief smile reveal the truth and even suggest that Gray enjoys trying to cheat the police.
Experts also reveal how Butler, who abused Gray and his own daughter, unwittingly admitted to killing Ellie with a small 3mm nod in his interview with the police. When asked if she was hit with an object or if it was smashed into a wall or floor, he nodded slightly at the last question.
Lansley said there is no doubt that Butler killed Ellie. "I am quite convinced that the damage was created by contact with a hard floor surface [sic]. Her body has told us. "
Ellie was placed in the care of her maternal grandparents Neal and Linda Gray when she was a baby after Butler was accused of beating her.
But she was returned to her parents in 2012 after a ruling by Judge Hogg in the family division of the High Court. At that time, Grandpa Gray, who had worried about Ellie since he was a baby, warned the judge that he would have "blood on his hands".
Butler beat Ellie to death at her family's home in Sutton, south London, in October 2013, just11 months after recovering her. In the trial of the couple, it was learned that the girl also suffered a series of abuses in the months before her death.
Butler, 38, was sentenced to 23 years in prison in 2016. His wife Gray, 37, received 42 months in prison for child cruelty and perverted the course of justice for the death of his daughter.
But fortunately, not all stories of child abuse have a tragic end.
There are also with happy epilogues, like the one that had these four brothers who were abused since they were children until they met with two angels who saved their lives.