Undocumented immigrants who work for Trump National Golf Club speak out, according to media
While running for president Donald Trump proudly declared that he employed no undocumented immigrants in the construction of his Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.
However, on Thursday, to women came out revealing that they were employed by Trump at his Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster in New Jersey and when they were hired they were illegal immigrants.
Victorina Morales, 45, has revealed that she’s worked for President Donald Trump as a housekeeper for more than five years. She’s responsible for making his bed, cleaning his toilet, and dusting his crystal golf trophies.
However, Morales is an undocumented immigrant. She came from rural Guatemala in 1999 and crossed the southwest border illegally to New Jersey.
For more on this story go to our Twitter account @amomama_usa. She was then hired at the Trump property in 2013 with documents that were fake.
Morales revealed that she was not the only worker at the club who was in the country illegally. Sandra Diaz, 46, is from Costa Rica and is now a legal resident of the US, however, she too was undocumented when she worked at Bedminster between 2010 and 2013.
“We are tired of the abuse, the insults, the way he talks about us when he knows that we are here helping him make money. We sweat it out to attend to his every need and have to put up with his humiliation.”
The two women claimed that a group of housekeeping, maintenance, and landscaping employees at the golf club included some undocumented workers. It’s not clear if Trump or the Trump Organization executives knew of their immigration status.
However, the women said at least two supervisors at the club were aware of their statuses. Diaz said, “There are many people without papers.”
The president has made it a point to clamp down on border security. He’s even pledged to build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants.
Morales shared that she was hurt Trump’s public comments since he became president. He’s claimed that Latin American immigrants were violent criminals.
Adding to that, the housekeeper has also faced abusive comments from a supervisor at work about her intelligence and immigration status. All these instances culminated into her deciding that she could no longer keep quiet.
Morales explained:
“We are tired of the abuse, the insults, the way he talks about us when he knows that we are here helping him make money. We sweat it out to attend to his every need and have to put up with his humiliation.”
Both women approached “The New York Times” through their New Jersey lawyer, Anibal Romero. He is representing them on immigration matters and working on a lawsuit claiming workplace abuse and discrimination.
Romero provided Morales' 2017 W-2 form which lists her employer as Lamington Farm Club, the corporate name of Trump's golf course. He stated:
"My clients are willing to cooperate with federal authorities and with state authorities so they can provide details.”
While having to deal with this latest scandal among many others, Trump might also make history by becoming the first president to seek re-election during an economic recession since Jimmy Carter. Growth is expected to slow down as fiscal stimulus from lower taxes and higher spending goes down.
Many predict the US economy will lapse into recession in 2020.