Adorable moment little boy with autism rushes onto stage to greet the Pope
It’s not every day that a Pope lets a child play around the stage while he’s speaking in front, but Pope Francis let a young boy with disabilities continue playing after the boy ran up to the stage.
Everyone was moved after Pope Francis’s choice, and he also encouraged the young boy to play around even though it could’ve caused a distraction. Instead, he used the boy as an instrument to teach a valuable lesson.
Six-year-old Wenzel Wirth stunned the people in the Vatican audience hall in Vatican City when he ran towards the Pope, according to the Associated Press.
Wenzel’s mother darted after him and informed the Pope that he couldn’t speak.

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As revealed by Reuters, the mother, who went to the Vatican with her family all the way from Verona, was told by the Pope, “Let him be, let him be.”

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Source: YouTube/ BBC News
The Pope’s words moved the audience. As for Wenzel’s father, Ariel Wirth told the Associated Press was very surprising to him and clarified that it was not planned.

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“He has to express himself, and we live without hiding his problems,” explained Ariel.
Meanwhile, during a papal visit, a young boy was emotional as he asked Pope Francis if his father, who was an atheist, would be sent to heaven since he had recently passed away at the time.
The Pope gave a touching answer saying that the father was still a good man for raising his son with Christian faith even though he was not a believer himself.