Story about a woman who discovers she has more than 40 siblings
Kianni Arroyo, whose biological father was a sperm donor, found out she has 40 siblings.
Arroyo, 21, is now on a journey to meet them all after the revelation, as reported by Deccan Chronicle. The Florida woman has managed to track down 40 siblings with the same father.
She is now documenting her encounters with her siblings on the web. Follow us on our Twitter account, @amomama_usa, to learn more.
Five years ago, Arroyo decided to track down her siblings and has since found them which include four sets of twins as well as brothers and sisters as far afield as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
In fact, she is the oldest known sibling born to the donor, with the youngest being only five months old. Arroyo's mom has always been straightforward with her being born using a sperm donor.
In an interview, Arroyo said that she constantly wanted to discover more about her identity and whether she had any siblings. So when she was mature enough to get to the records, she did just that.
Arroyo discovered that 64 percent of her siblings are female and 19 of them were born somewhere in the range of 2009 and 2011.
She found her half-sister Joanna, who also lives in Florida since she started her search. The two have become close friends who see each other regularly.
“Even though we’ve never met before, having a father in common gives us a really special link, and means we feel comfortable with one another,” added Arroyo.
She has also met her donor father, who wants to stay anonymous, and describes him as an extremely cool person.
Her dad, who is just known as Donor 2757, described himself in the donor profile as a photographer and artist with hazel-green eyes and wavy brown hair of German, Irish, and Native American descent.
Donor 2757 originally started donating sperm to pay off debt and student loans.
Arroyo said it was awkward at first when she met him, and she didn't know whether she should embrace him or shake his hand. She was 18 years old at the time.
“But then he kind of opened his arms into a hug and accepted me. It was kind of relieving,” Arroyo explained.
Sperm donors are just expected to give somewhere in the range of 15 and 20 samples in the US. However, in Arroyo's father's case, the company was assumed control in a buyout, Deccan Chronicle reported.
Their records were cleared, which means that he was able to donate sperm once more.
A few families who as of now had one child by him also asked for another sample, so their children could be “full-siblings.”
Around 30 of the 40 half siblings that Arroyo has discovered have said they want to meet her and she currently plans to reach them sooner.
Arroyo's goal to meet her siblings started when her grandma raised worries that she may end up marrying a brother.
"My grandmother's biggest fear would be that I would end up with one of my brothers. But I am currently engaged, and I know my fiance's father, so we’re good to go!" she said.
It is normal for adoptees and offspring of sperm donors to find their relatives, and a 31-year-old lady named Michelle Cehn recently set out to locate her biological parents as well.
In 2009, she traced her mom down with the assistance of her adoptive parents. However, discovering her dad proved harder than expected.
Michelle's mom didn't know who her father was, and their only plan of action was to complete a DNA test through a site.
She was then placed in contact with other relatives, and through the site, found her dad, and also her sibling and grandparents.