
Donald Trump heavily dragged for reportedly not knowing how to toss a coin in viral video

Ra'eesah Manack
Dec 11, 2018
05:58 P.M.

President of the United States of America, Donald Trump is being ridiculed for his coin-tossing technique which was caught on video, shown below.


Donald Trump is no stranger to criticism. Once again, he is on the receiving end of a lashing from critics on the internet.

However, this time it's not his political decision making being called into question. Instead, the President is being questioned for a rather bizarre reason.

Trump's weird coin tossing method left spectators befuddled at Army-Navy college football game on Friday.


As soon as the video hit social media, critics popped up. Many immediately questioned the odd techniques.

"What the hell kind of coin toss is that @realDonaldTrump?????" tweeted one user

In the video, a referee asks each team to pick a side of a coin. Then President Trump tossed the coin into the sky.

However, unlike a normal coin toss, Trump decides to fling the coin straight up in the air "like Tinkerbell spreading fairy dust." The coin does not flip at all while airborne.


The coin then hit the ground as Trump made no attempt to catch it. Tails was declared the winner, and Trump made a satisfied-looking hand gesture at the result.

"That was the goofiest coin toss I have ever seen" quipped @StarMztyk


Many people agreed with his summation of the event. The entire event seemed completely odd to most onlookers as well.

However, fans of the president slammed the critics for being petty. Several claimed that the critics were simply looking for reasons to ridicule the president.

Not that the comments stopped after they slammed critics. Wayne Rothe weighed in on the situation and teased the president saying, "He wanted to throw it higher than Obama did."


Most people know this is not the first time Donald Trump has been the subject of ridicule and criticism. He often causes controversy with his tweets and policies.

One of his recent problematic tweets was about global warming. The 72-year-old showed an alarmingly warped understanding of the global phenomenon when he tweeted, "Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS - Whatever happened to Global Warming?"


Astha Sarmah, a teenager, wasted no time in giving the president a quick lesson. She even offered to send him an encyclopedia with pictures to help him out if he was still confused.

"I'm 54 years younger than you. I just finished high school with average marks. But even I can tell you that WEATHER IS NOT CLIMATE." wrote Astha.

There is a slew of other tweets from the president that make people question just how much he actually knows. Another tweet that displays his lack of understanding when it comes to basic science was when he said, "Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!"

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