6-year-old girl accidentally shot to death by brother while parents attend Christmas party
A 6-year-old girl has passed away after her brother accidentally shot her to death while their parents were out in a Christmas party.
According to a tragic and heartbreaking report by People, a six-year-old girl from Missouri was found dead in their home after her older brother accidentally fired a gun and killed her in the process while their parents were out in a Christmas party.
“You couldn’t have written a more tragic script, the whole thing is just so tragic and terrible, but we have to put our personal feelings aside and do the law enforcement side of this."
Maliyah Palmer was at home when her 12-year-old brother found a 9mm gun in their parents' bedroom and accidentally fired the weapon at his sister. Maliyah, who was in the first grade, was standing nearby when her brother "accidentally shot her".
Officers who responded to the 911 call just a little bit before 11 pm said that they found the girl with a gunshot wound to the head. While she was rushed to the nearest hospital, she later on died.
At the time, the children's 16-year-old sister was the one babysitting them while their parents were at a party. While the police initially said that there would be no charges to be filed, Police Chief Timothy Lowery said that they have "not ruled out any charges being filed".
Lowery said that the whole thing is so terrible, but law enforcement has to come in when it has to, asking everyone to set their personal feelings aside.
“All of the officers who responded to the scene are mothers and fathers, so you can only imagine how personal it is to see a child shot in the back of the head. We will have counselors here for a debriefing hopefully this week to make sure the mental state of our officers is okay."
There have been no updates on the part of the family, especially since they have been painfully grieving the loss of their child.