Story of mom emotionally reuniting with daughter she thought was dead for 49 yrs still melts hearts
A featured story of mom finally seeing her daughter again after thinking was dead for the past 49 years gets people emotional. Their special moment was caught on video and showed on the news.

Source: YouTube / ABC News
Forty-nine years ago, Zella Jackson-Price was told that her premature baby died a few hours after birth. Her baby infant, Diane, only lived a few hours, according to the nurse at Homer G. Philips Hospital, but 49 years later, Diane is very much alive and ready to meet her mother. Upon arrival at the Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, Diane’s excitement couldn’t be contained as she was about to meet her mother for the first time. Meanwhile, Zella also shared the same feeling of excitement as she awaited her daughters coming.

Source: YouTube / ABC News
Zella talked about Diane’s hearing impairment since age three,
“She’s deaf and can’t hear because of measles, and I think if she had been with me this would not have happened. I want to see her roll down this street. I guess I might snatch her out of the car.”

Source: YouTube / ABC News
As soon as Diane and her kids arrived, Zella happily screamed and hugged Diane for a while. The happiness and joy in both their faces were captured in such a wonderful moment they surely will never forget.
Homer G. Philips Hospital was once St. Louis’ only hospital for African Americans but is now long gone. Similar incidents of nurses declaring their kids dead, but were not, have been shared as well. Zella shared,
“I’m still kinda in shock. I don’t know what we’ll find out, what error, what was done, I don’t know what we’ll find out soon. As soon as we get over the excitement of being together, and everything, I will seek a lawyer.”
Many stories of mothers and their kids being united after thinking their child was born for years to have been shared online. All of their stories were touching and showed how we should truly give importance to family and the people around us.