Mom sparks debate by revealing she lets her 8-year-old son drink wine on Christmas day
A British mom admitted that she's all for giving her kids alcohol to "get rid of the curiosity."
Kerry Davies and Lottie Dailey were interviewed on "Good Morning Britain" (GMB) earlier this week. The pair ended up in a heated debate.
The talk show uploaded the pair's discussion to YouTube on Thursday. Since then, the debate spread online and received mixed reactions.
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Source: YouTube/ Good Morning Britain
Davies insisted that she was raising her kids in such a way that they would not be compelled to drink later.
She admitted that it was how she herself was raised. She pointed to herself as an example as she is now able to control her drinking.

Source: YouTube/ Good Morning Britain
In Britain, children over five are legally allowed to drink alcohol according to GMB. However, most authorities recommend children reach 18 before they begin drinking.
Davis said of her eight and 12-year-old kids:
"They’ve tried it previously. I just don’t have any curiosity with my children. We have quite an open relationship. If they want to try something they can try it but I'd rather they tried it under my supervision."
When asked about the variety, Davies admitted that "they will try and sample anything that they ask to." She said she doesn't force it.
"If they say 'mum what's that can I have a bit?' I say 'you can try it'. They never like it, which is even funnier."
Davies then demonstrated the amount that she pours out for her kids. The presenters exclaimed in surprise when seeing her measure a quarter of a glass.

Source: Twitter/ The Sun
But Davies assured:
"They won't drink it. It's literally there, if they want to taste it they can taste it. My eight-year-old had about three mouthfuls on Christmas day and was like 'that's not good mum'. He put it to one side and said 'can I have a glass of coke instead."
Lottie then made her case against the practice:
"I don’t think when we have an exponential mental health crisis in the UK among children that is rapidly rising that we should be giving them a depressant."

Source: Twitter/ The Sun
Lottie confessed that she personally has "never been able to mentally handle [her] alcohol." She described herself as a "naturally sensitive person" who "gets depressed afterward."
She referenced her friends as examples of the effects of alcohol. She said: "People don't know their limits and trying it at home doesn't allow them to find their limits."
Lottie proposed that a close and open relationship with her children would lead them to speak to her about their drinking habits whenever they made the plunge.
Meanwhile, basketball superstar LeBron James is on the side of allowing children to drink wine. The 33-year-old has two sons, 11 and 14, who do so at home.
James spoke to reporters about the topic back in October 2018. He called his sons "mature" enough to join him and his wife for a drink now and then.
In reference to how quickly the kids are growing, Jame also said they'd be "driving next week, too." He insisted that the blame is put on him and not his wife.