Joanna Gaines has revealed that her and Chip's son, Crew is saying 'mama'
Joanna Gaines‘ revealed in an Instagram post, shown below, that her son Crew is already speaking and that he says "mama" in particular.
In a sweet Instagram message on Tuesday, Joanna Gaines revealed that her infant son is already speaking. The mother of five said he is saying one word in particular.
The adorable six-month-old baby is fond of his mom. His fave word is “Mama” which he can already say.
“Crew is already six months old and saying ‘mama.’ I had to throw that in there, sorry Chip!” said the doting mother.
Joanna 40, wrote a sweet note on Instagram in which she teased her husband (and Fixer Upper costar) Chip Gaines. Together they share Crew, sons Duke, 9, and Drake, 13, and daughters Emmie Kay, 8, and Ella Rose, 12.
She attached an adorable photo of Crew sitting on her lap while holding her hand to the note. Joanna went on to explain that Crew and her other kids growing up so quickly gives her mixed feelings.
“It’s always been my nature to reflect on the past and linger there a while. I find myself thinking about what I will miss and how life is just moving too fast. Drake will be driving in two years and off to college in four. And just like that I have found myself mourning the past but now in future tense.” reflected Joanna.
The gorgeous mother went on to say the experience has made her realize how fast time moves. SHe said, “This whole time thing can feel like a thief if you let it.”
In the note, she continued to share her goals for 2019. She wrote, “I’m challenging myself in this new year to live for now. The present. Taking in every breath, every sight, and sound and holding it dearly.”
“Not thinking about how the good ol’ days have passed us by or how the best is yet to come. But that right now, this very second, this is the gift. These are the days. These are the moments. And I’m gonna breathe them all in. If there’s pain and sorrow, or happiness and hope, let it in and then let it out. I want to enjoy the now because it’s the only thing we can actually embrace. I want to hold it carefully. Hold it thoughtfully. I want to rid myself of the little distractions because I have found that these are the thieves that steal our moments and rob our days. But time, time is our most precious gift." wrote Joanna
She ended her note saying, "Here’s to seeing and finding the beauty, the hope and joy in the right now in 2019. And for goodness sake, let’s have some fun while we’re at it!” she wrote. “It’s going to be a happy new year indeed. Believing that for all of us. #wonderinthenow #thesearethedays.”