Mom has a genius idea to save herself from decorating another Christmas tree next year
A mother from Australia found the perfect way to store their Christmas tree.
Putting a Christmas tree up and decorating it only to take it down again less than a month later does seem like a waste in energy.
This clever mother found a way to store the tree, intact, until the next festive season around, and she won't have to decorate it either.
Renae Krivitz shared photos of the tree on Facebook. Unfortunately, she either removed it or changed the privacy settings.
Thankfully, her post had already gone viral, and traces of it can still be found on the internet, giving you no excuse to keep struggling with your tree.
Krivitz explained that she had a roll of plastic left over by their builders. She kept the roll for years and didn't know what to use it was.
That was until the 2018 festive season arrived. Instead of taking all the decorations off and packing the tree away, Krivitz just covered it with plastic.
Several netizens did criticize her for the excessive use of plastic, but Kravitz explained that she doesn't intend to keep buying plastic.
She'll carefully unwrap it next year and reuse the plastic. The roll of plastic had been gathering dust in her garage for years.
It's not Saran wrap either. Krivitz explained that it's the heavy-duty plastic used to cover carpets or wrap furniture, making it perfect for persevering the tree.
ABC News also shared the story and referred to it as "your 2019 #goals," while netizens from all over the world praised Krivitz for her ingenuity.
While Krivitz and her family celebrated the perfect Christmas, Molly Kreuze from Springfield, Virginia wasn't so lucky.
She took a break from her usual dull plastic Christmas tree and bought a real tree instead, but didn't know what was lurking in the branches.
There was a brown sac full of praying mantis eggs hidden under one of the branches, and now Kreuze has more than a 100 insects crawling all over her home.
She told reporters: “In my googling, I discovered people like praying mantises. They are useful; they eat other bugs, people use them for organic gardening. I hope to find them a home. I don’t want them but don't want to hurt them.”