16-year-old girl calls the cops on her father after he ‘took' her 'property’
Police agents responded to the call of a 16-year-old girl who contacted 911 because her father allegedly “took her property.”
In the video recorded with the bodycam of one of the agents, the father, the girl, and the officers appeared in front of the house in Ohio talking and trying to understand why the teen, whose name was not revealed, called the police.
They learned that Anthony Robertson, the girl’s father, couldn’t inspect what the young lady was doing with her $800 phone because it was locked, so he took it away as a punishment.
After knowing the details of the issue, the officers considered that it was a parental disciplinary effort and sided with the father. The girl even said that Robertson shouldn’t take the phone away because she didn’t even live there.
The young lady allegedly lives with her grandmother, but usually stays at Robertson’s house. One of the officers told her that everything she has belongs to her mother and father and that having a phone was not a right, to what Robertson added, “it’s a privilege.”
After talking for a while, the officers warned the teen not to call 911 in non-emergency situations. Lt James Wilson of the South Euclid Police Department pointed out that had the situation happened on a busy day, it would have been “pushed to the back burner.” However, they considered it was a good opportunity to teach the lady a lesson.
When the incident ended, WKYC contacted Robertson, who admitted to being in shock when the agents showed up at his house. “There's like, four cars, and I'm like, oh my goodness, the police are coming, and they look kind of tough,” admitted the man.
However, he considers that he took a good decision and sent a message, “To all the parents, you know? Stay on them. There's so many hidden apps and little ways that they can hide and cover up what they're doing on those phones. It's ridiculous.”
While there are 16-year-old children calling 911 for such a thing, a nine-year-old boy named Kazin Crisman did the same to save his grandfather. The boy was visiting 80-year-old Allan, in Massachusetts and, when they got in the car, Kazin noticed that the man was having a hard time starting the car.
The boy even asked him, “do you want me to call 911?” four times, but Allan didn’t reply, so Kazin knew there was something wrong going on. He called 911 and gave all the information they needed.
Once first responders arrived, they learned that Allan, who suffers from diabetes, was having a hypoglycemic episode. Thankfully, the grandfather survived and Kazin is happy for helping him in such a way.