Queen driven without wearing a seatbelt again after Prince Philip apologizes to crash victim
Less than two weeks after Prince Philip's car crash, Her Majesty was once again spotted without a seatbelt.
Queen Elizabeth II went to a service at St Mary Magdalene Church recently. However, when the Queen was being driven back to her Sandringham Estate in Norfolk, she failed to belt up.
"Prince Philip apparently said to a witness that it was the sun that dazzled him but I can’t see how that could be true when it was overcast.”
This is in spite of the debate surrounding the Duke of Edinburgh's crash recently where he had also gone without a belt.
The accident happened on the A149 near Sandringham. According to reports, he crashed into a Kia with three passengers with his Land Rover.
The 46-year-old mother Emma Fairweather recalled how the collision unfolded occurred “in slow motion” and said she “couldn’t stop screaming.”
Her friend, Ellie Townsend, 28, was driving at the time and her nine-month-old baby was in the backseat.
Though the prince claimed that he had been dazzled by the sun, the traumatized mother-of-two insisted that it was cloudy on that day.
“I’m lucky to be alive and he hasn’t even said sorry,” said Fairweather, who broke her wrist in the accident.
She added: “It has been such a traumatic and painful time and I would have expected more of the Royal Family. It could have been so much worse. Prince Philip apparently said to a witness that it was the sun that dazzled him but I can’t see how that could be true when it was overcast.”
Fairweather said she got a cryptic 14-word message: "The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh would like to be remembered to you."
However, according to her, the royal's apology didn't make sense. She said "that's not an apology or even a well-wish. It would mean the world to me if Prince Philip said sorry, but I have no idea if he’s sorry at all."
Despite the unpleasantness of the crash, Fairweather said she still loves the Queen and Prince and would forgive them if they would just apologize. But she's quick to add that he should be prosecuted if "found at fault."