9-year-old boy lived with suicidal thoughts before finally transitioning into a girl
An Australian transgender girl told how bad she felt before beginning her transition from being a boy to becoming the girl she always felt she was.
Emma Leslie, an Australian artist, worked since June 2015 in a meaningful photo shoot: "Transcend: Portraits of Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth".
As the name says, this session gathers photographs of transgender children and young people, belonging to Transcend, a support group located in Melbourne, destined for transgender children and their parents, who wanted to show themselves as they want to be seen.
One of the protagonists of this beautiful series of portraits is Evie Macdonald, who told 9news.com.au. that before knowing that she was transgender she had come to feel so bad that she confessed to her mother that she wanted to die.
Those terrible words were what prompted her family to dig deeper into what was upsetting their child, then Ethan, and how they could help him. It was then that they discovered that their son suffered a gender distortion.
Statistics show that, like Evie, there are at least 45,000 children in Australia in the same situation. The most alarming thing is that according to the figures, 4 out of 5 of these children end up suffering so much that they commit self-harm, and at least half of them try to commit suicide.
Evie tells how since she was little she remembers feeling like a girl and not like a boy, so she also felt that maybe there was something wrong with her. His parents believed that it was a phase, but nothing was further from the truth.
When Evie expressed her desire to die at age 9, her mother immediately sought professional help and thanks to this she managed to understand her daughter's situation. From that moment, the whole family began to support that little boy who did not want to continue pretending that he was a boy.
Georgie Stone became the youngest person in Australia to be granted hormone blockers by the court. She was only 10 at the time, but she is 17-years-old now and you have grown into a beautiful young woman.
The teenager led a campaign to help Australian children in their transition process and now, thanks to it, from November 2018, they will not have to go through the nation's Family Court to access hormone treatment.
However, transgender kids still have a long way to pave until they get the recognition they need to live their lives happy and safe. Like this transgender teen that decided to film the school staff at Osseo Senior High in Minnesota who forced to open the door of a bathroom stall while she was sitting inside.
On November 28, the student, who goes by the name Cece Doll, posted the videos on Facebook accusing school officials of violating her while she uses the bathroom.