Government agency posts a picture that appears to mock Trump's tweet about 'Global Waming'
A government agency had a surprising response to President Trump’s tweet dismissing the validity of global warming.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration posted a tweet on Tuesday morning that read, “Winter storms don’t prove that global warming isn’t happening” while adding a cartoon type picture that depicts how warming ocean temperatures feed moisture to storms.
Additionally, a link to an article on the NOAA’s got added to the tweet which discredited the question, “are record snowstorms proof that global warming isn’t happening?”
According to the NOAA, there are many regions where winter temperature has to climb by at least twenty to thirty degrees Fahrenheit before snow will stop, but until then, snowstorms are a real possibility.
Although no direct mention was made of President Trump, the connection is obvious, as he has made his thoughts on global warming abundantly clear on several occasions.
President Trump’s latest mockery of the situation came on Monday when he posted a tweet, “What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you!” (In line with frequent spelling mishaps on Twitter, Trump forgot to add the “r” in “warming,” so some people might agree that ‘waming’ does not exist.)
A global warming skeptic, Trump had made various statements against it, despite a widespread scientific consensus and “has often used the weather of the moment, rather than long-term changes in the climate” to voice his opinions.
In December 2017, President Trump wrote:
“In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country.”
Andrew Dessler, Texas A&M University professor, told the Post that he wasn’t sure what to make of the president’s global warming tweet, although it showed that Trump does not take global warming seriously.
Over the last few months, Trump tweeted about the cold weather and climate change on more than one occasion, as he wrote in a tweet in November 2018 that “brutal and extended cold blast could shatter ALL RECORDS - Whatever happened to Global Warming?”
However, weather and long-term climate change are two separate things, and therefore cold weather is in no way proof that climate change does not exist.
In relation to the matter, Scientific American wrote that differentiation needs to be made between weather and climate, and added:
“The NOAA defines climate as the average of weather over at least a 30-year period. So periodic aberrations—like the harsh winter storms ravaging the Southeast and other parts of the country this winter—do not call the science of human-induced global warming into question.”
Last year was the warmest year on record for earth’s bodies of water, as reported by Insider. Experts found that oceans are warming up 40% faster than it has in the past, consequently, the Antarctic Ice Sheet is melting six times faster than it had during the 1980s.
Adding on to these findings, Forbes reported that these melting ice sheet had caused a rise in average surface temperature of the earth and it's sea levels, which has risen in average with about four inches. The continuation of the rising sea levels can result in the loss of coastlines and islands, not to mention the effect it will have on the ecosystems as a whole.