Former pastor of Donald Trump’s church breaks silence claiming he never saw the President there
Pastor David Lewicki, who used to serve at New York City’s Marble Collegiate Church for about five years, responded to a Donald Trump tweet claiming that POTUS never attended service.
Even though President Trump has said many timed he is a man of faith, Lewicki’s revelation suggests the opposite. On January 28, Trump took to Twitter to shout out to the states that are introducing Bible Literacy classes.
Apart from that, POTUS said that those states were starting to “make a turn back” to an unspecified time when public schools would relish in Bible study, something that Mark Chancy, a member of the Washington Post, denied as there was no such time in American history.
Pastor Lewicki didn’t like the fact that Trump was “going around talking about how important faith is” when he knew the real POTUS religiously-wise, so he replied to the previously mentioned tweet.
The man pointed out that he had been Trump’s pastor for five years at Marble Church and that he could assure that the president had the “option” to attend Bible study, but he never “opted” in. “Nor did he ever actually enter the church doors, not one time,” added Lewicki.
After that, he quoted Irish political figure Edmund Burke writing,
“Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises, for never intending to go beyond promise, it costs nothing.”
Lewicki even responded to a Twitter user who complained about pastors who criticize their congregation for not showing up saying that members had the responsibility to show up, contribute, and volunteer.
“I won’t criticize anyone for deciding Christianity isn’t for them... unless you then go around talking about how important faith is. Then, you’ve opened yourself to your former pastor holding a mirror,” declared the pastor.
Since Lewicki’s tweet got a lot of attention, he was in an interview with Huffington Post wherein he said that Trump was not an “active and visible” member of the church. The pastor went even further as he said that any member of the Trump family attended the church from 2004 to 2010.
Speaking of God, the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), known for being a religious television network, hosted White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders in an interview where they spoke about President Donald Trump, current affairs, and the presidency on January 30.
While speaking about religion, Sanders stated that a higher power had chosen President Donald Trump to be the leader of the US.