Fan took a bad photo with Keanu Reeves and instead of leaving, he let her take another one
Everyone has an idol that they would love to meet at least once in their lifetime, but one does not always get so lucky, and one almost always never gets that lucky twice.
A fan of Keanu Reeves who was lucky enough to see him at the airport didn’t think twice to take a picture with the actor, but it all went wrong. So she ran after him to repeat the selfie and he kindly stopped and posed again.
The video - which recently went viral on social media - is posted on YouTube, but it doesn’t show the date and place of its recording.
The amazing thing about these images is not the photos themselves, but the kind treatment that the fan received from the famous Hollywood star.
Artists are not beings from another planet, but most of them act with superiority and maybe little patience with their followers than Keanu Reeves who has proven himself to be the most normal.
Keanu Reeves calmly stayed with the fan so that she could extend her arm to take the best selfie of her life. The best thing about this scene is that someone recorded the encounter and uploaded it to YouTube, allowing everyone to see how human the actor is.
The girl was very lucky to run into one of her favorite actors and capture the moment for all eternity. Many wish they had been in her place.
Keanu Reeves has previously shared his soul and told about how his life was devastated by tragedy. In 2000, he lost his daughter who was born dead and a year later, his partner lost her life in a traffic accident.
For this reason, he still feels like he's in mourning, but he has shared how devastated his heart has been and how lonely he has felt. Both losses have seemed unfair.
However, Reeves still wants to get married and have children, but it will take time. His problems began as a small child when his father abandoned his British mother.
Money and fame are not everything in this life, and the actor, who has both, has learned this the hard way because of a life of loss and grief, which has resulted in his humble, reclusive and kind behavior.