Woman claims parents should not change their children's diapers without their permission
A woman sparked a serious discussion after saying that she asks permission from her children before changing their diapers.
On the show “This Morning”, Lottie Daley said that she lets her baby know before changing her diaper. She does the same when she washes or tickles her daughters.

Lottie Daley at the recent episode of "This Morning". | Photo: YouTube/This Morning
This is something that Vanessa Feltz, another guest on the show expressed opposition to.
“When you start learning about body autonomy and consent for our children when they become a bit older, we should be modelling this behavior from birth, like letting your baby know you are changing its nappy,” she said.
She continued: “I want her to know that it's her body. It's not a case of them saying ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ it's modelling that repetition and a habit of checking in with your children and making sure they are happy with what you are doing with them.”
She added that she asks for permission when she washes her daughters’ bottoms when they are a bit older, like seven and five.
“I do say, ‘Can mummy just wash your bottom?’ because sometimes you have to. And they say, ‘yes’ or ‘no’,” she said.
She added that she asks her children’s permission before tickling them.
This is something that Vanessa Feltz, another guest on the show expressed opposition to. She said:
“I think it’s an absolute shame to say you can’t tickle.”
She added: “You don’t tickle someone you don’t know or a child who doesn’t trust you… and start forcibly tickling. But it is the ultimate innocent love, care, fun, physical contact with a child you love and who loves you.”
But for Daley, it’s about the importance of consent. “We need to rethink the wider issue of consent, it’s not just applicable to teenagers, it’s applicable from birth. I think we should start to ask those questions and when you look at the wider context, we need to,” she said.