Donald Trump Jr lambasts the women who were dressed in white during State of the Union
Donald Trump Jr. had an epic fail after slamming women in Congress for not wearing American flag pins.
The women in Congress made quite the statement when most arrived at the State of the Union address dressed in white. However, Donald Trump Jr. decided to question their patriotism with a tweet he sent out on Wednesday:
When Trump Jr. took issue with the women not wearing American flag pins to the State of the Union address, he neglected to notice that none of the Trump’s were either.
This fact did not go unnoticed among Twitter users, and his careless post soon blew up in his face as one of many users posted a picture taken of the Trump children posing together at the State of the Union address, while pointing out that none of them are wearing pins either:
Other Twitter followers didn't believe in the premise that wearing an American flag pin made someone American, as one user tweeted:
Criticism from other Twitter users was less kind, as many took offense to Donald Jr. linking patriotism with the wearing of a pin, as another follower tweeted:
The eye-catching uniformly white clothing the Democratic congresswomen wore, drew a lot of attention. The color choice was symbolic of white garments worn by those part of the women’s suffrage movement during the first half of the 20th century.
When President Trump spoke of the record number of women elected to Congress in 2018, it made quite the impression when all the women rose to their feet and cheered and chanted, “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!”
The white wearing women of Congress were not the only ones to steal the show. During President Trump’s address, he spoke about 10-year-old Grace Eline, seated next to Melania Trump and the president’s special guest for the evening.
Introducing the special young girl, Trump said:
"Tonight, I am also asking you to join me in another fight that all Americans can get behind the fight against childhood cancer. Joining Melania in the gallery this evening is a very brave 10-year-old girl, Grace Eline."
Singing Grace’s praises, President Trump continued:
"Every birthday since she was 4, Grace asked her friends to donate to St Jude's Children's Hospital. She did not know that one day she might be a patient herself. Grace recently finished chemotherapy and today shows no evidence of the disease. She is determined to help other children who are fighting cancer."
Who knows how much of an inspiration the women who attended the State of the Union address, including young Grace, was to women everywhere.