Melissa Rivers Opens up about Being Angry at Mom Joan after Her Father Took His Life
Melissa Rivers went through a lot of heartbreaks growing up including the trauma of losing her father as a result of suicide. The actress recently opened up about the loss of her parents and how angry she was at her mom after her father’s death.
Melissa Rivers is one tough woman, judging by what she has been through to get to her present status in life. The star actress was only eighteen when her father, Edgar Rosenberg took his own life in 1987 and she says that she was so angry after that experience.
Speaking with ABC Radio, Melissa revealed that after the death of her father, she had a feeling of resentment towards her late father and her mother, Joan Rivers. Melissa explained that she felt such resentment towards her mom because she had separated from her father before he took his life.
She explained that the period was tough for her, but she gradually learned to let go as the years passed. Her famous mother, Joan Rivers who passed on in 2014 at the age of 81 knew very well that her daughter resented her for her late husband’s suicide.
While granting an interview to PEOPLE in 1993, she explained that she understood why her daughter would feel that way but also knew that she would get over it as well, as they tried to live their lives in the best possible way afterward.
Though Melissa finally let go of the pain and resentful feeling, she believes that her mom wasn’t able to do so until her death. She explained that Joan felt angry and embarrassed in a terrible way and wasn’t able to shake off those feelings.
After her husband’s death, Joan found out that he had left them nothing as he was in severe financial crisis and also felt sad that he could hurt Melissa by taking his own life.
Melissa spoke to ABC Radio medical correspondent, Dr. Jennifer Ashton on the Radio station’s new podcast "Life After Suicide" and it represented the first time she has spoken out at length about her father’s suicide.
The star actress is proud that she was able to turn the hate and resentment that she felt at that period into a productive and positive feeling and also acknowledged that she's indeed a survivor.
Melissa’s story and victory over her resentful feelings, hurt and anger serves as an inspiration to many who may find themselves in such situations. Suicide should never be an option. Speak to someone today.