Meghan McCain and Whoopi Goldberg Get in a Heated Debate over Abortion
Another Monday and another bout of argument on the television talk show, “The View.” Monday’s episode saw things heated between Whoopi Goldberg and Meghan McCain as they argued over abortion.
“The View” is fast gaining a reputation of having members of its panel engage in fiery arguments almost every week. The panelists took a sort of break last week as the show went on without any form of heated debates.
They returned to form on Monday as Whoopi Goldberg and Meghan McCain went “firing squad mode” way to make their points known to each other.
For Monday’s episode, the panelists discussed the sex strike proposed by actress and activist, Alyssa Milano, an action she proposed in response to Georgia’s new bill against abortion.
The discussion gradually became hinged on abortion as the central issue and moderator, Whoopi Goldberg sparred with her co-host Meghan McCain.
McCain at first criticized Alyssa for not thinking about her plan before carrying it out. She then went ahead to say that she feels pro-life women such as herself are ignored when conversations bordering on topics like that come about.
She reiterated that women like herself had no issues with the Georgia anti-abortion bill and people like the activist did not understand this fact. Her stance prompted a debate between fellow panelists, Joy Behar, and Ana Navarro, as Navarro stating that she believes pro-choice people often feel left out of these conversations.
When a surprised McCain asked Navarro if she was pro-life, she responded that she was pro-people doing what they wanted to do, adding that many grey areas remained with abortion.
McCain went on to say that she believes abortion is murder and couldn’t understand how allowing such murder was grey in America. At this point, Whoopi Goldberg cut in, saying it was okay for McCain to feel that way, but questioned her for passing judgment on those who don’t believe abortion is murder.
More arguments followed, this time between Navarro and McCain, and Navarro suggested that medical experts should have a greater say on the topic of abortion. McCain was having none of that as she insisted that science has proven beyond doubt that life begins at conception, but liberals would not accept that.
Again, Goldberg cut in and told McCain that it was her belief and hers alone, but the raging McCain fired on, asking Goldberg if she (Goldberg) didn’t believe in science.
Goldberg, however, shot back telling McCain that she didn’t want to go on that path. She explained that she didn’t mean she didn’t believe science but somewhat does not believe that a woman is with a child the minute she conceives.
She further explained that she believed that a lot of things still needed to happen before the baby becomes a child, such as the baby becoming a zygote. She continued by saying she understood McCain’s feeling as well as the feelings of other pro-life people but said she didn’t want anyone to tell her how she has to feel.
The audience cheered the moderator at this point, while McCain could only glare at her. McCain’s efforts to counter her argument were quickly shut down by Goldberg who concluded the segment, leaving her (McCain) to roll her eyes at the camera.
The state of Georgia recently passed a bill that restricted abortion. The bill which will take effect from 2020 banned abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected. The announcement has sparked a massive outcry from several actors, activists, and even companies.