Lauren Accurso's 'Miracle Newborn' to Be Taken off Life Support
Baby Matthew Jr., a “miracle newborn” will be joining his mother in heaven after life support will be taken away, as painfully decided by his father.
A miracle happened on April 29 when Matthew Jr. was born after complications and a “significant brain injury due to a prolonged period without oxygen” at the time of his birth. His mother, Lauren Accurso of Jacksonville, Florida, died while giving birth to him.
While everything looked great at the beginning, having good vital signs and progress, things turned around after a week. Matthew Sr., the father, shared on Facebook the painful decision he had to make on Tuesday.
“Today was one of the hardest days of my life. It will forever be etched in my brain. I sat in a room at Wolfson's hospital with 15 highly qualified medical professionals who all care deeply for our son Matthew. Unfortunately, the last thing I ever thought I would have to talk about as a father was not very real and happening,” he wrote.
Baby Matthew is aided by a breathing machine and a feeding tube as a means of life support because of the life-threatening complications “related to cognitive function and development” he has. Although a series of attempts to take out the supports were done, the results were always negative.
His father continued to share about the pain he faced, including a question to the Lord of what more can he give after losing his wife and a call for mercy over the weight he has been given.
“TODAY, I was faced with something no father should ever have to face. The decision to place Matthew on endless life supporting contraptions and medications or allow God to carry him where He will,” Matthew Sr. added.
Despite the tragedy that he was confronted with, Matthew Sr. found light to the circumstance, seeing his son as a “living miracle.” His son, without oxygen, survived the ride to the hospital, endured an emergency c-section, and “opened his eyes, breathed on his own, pumped blood through his strong heart.”
The post continued to talk about miracles and how we perceive them to be, when, in fact, things can be miracles despite what we see and feel towards them. He said:
“My miracle was having my soulmate by my side for almost 20 years and then being so blessed to give her 4 gorgeous babies. My miracle is holding my son for as many precious moments as possible and when the time comes, lifting him up to his mommy so that she can hold him for the first time in paradise.”
Miracles happen every day and we sometimes fail to see it. Dylan Askin was 2-years-old when he underwent a similar circumstance where life support had to be taken off him.
The miracle happened when he woke up from a coma after experiencing difficulty in breathing and discovering cysts in his lungs. His family prepared to bid their farewell when his heart rate normalized shortly after life support was removed.
Dylan completed his chemotherapy and went home a healthy boy with a new life given -- a miracle indeed. Miracles come in different ways, but at the end of it all, trusting what life has planned out can make it easier.