Eve Wiley Seeks to Change Texas Law After Discovering Mum's Fertility Doctor Illegally Became Her Biological Father
Eve Wiley’s discovery that her mom’s fertility doctor is her biological father because he illegally swapped sperms with the donor paved way to the creation of a new bill.
Eve Wiley was born in 1987 and resided in Center, Texas with her late father, Doug, and mother, Margo, who was a school nurse. She had three siblings, all of whom her mother supported alone.
At 16 years of age, Wiley, being a curious girl, accessed her mother’s emails to see the latest gossip, since a school nurse would know what’s up with other students, but instead, she found out something that changed her life.

Shocked woman. | Source: Shutterstock
Wiley saw emails about artificial insemination which she opened, read, and discovered that her mom was “gathering information” about her daughter. She told ABC News:
“I was on there, and I saw all these emails about artificial insemination, and after about the tenth or eleventh one, I clicked on it. And when I clicked on that one, I scrolled down to the bottom, and it said: ‘I’m just gathering information for my daughter. She was born on July 28th of 1987.’ And that’s my birthday.”
After confronting her mother, Wiley found out that her parents experienced difficulty trying to get pregnant and sought help from a fertility doctor who suggested artificial insemination.
Doug’s sperm failed to turn out positive. Hence another donor was chosen with personal characteristics selected from by Margo. After a few tries, Eve was conceived.

Newborn baby. | Source: Shutterstock
After learning about her true self, Wiley felt confused yet eager to know who her biological father was and quickly acted to find him. When she turned 18, she gathered medical records, including that of her donor’s, and later found Steve Scholl.
The two immediately clicked and formed a relationship through emails, calls, and plans to meet. Comfort was never a problem as Wiley learned to call him “dad” and exchange “I love you’s.” Scholl watched her grow up until her wedding day, which he officiated.

Mother and child. | Source: Shutterstock
As technology advanced and DNA testing became available, Wiley’s curiosity sparked, thinking that maybe she has half-siblings elsewhere who want to find her as well, but what she discovered later made her wish she didn’t act upon her curiosity.
Because of her experience, Wiley championed Senate Bill 1259, which criminalizes “unauthorized implantation of ‘human reproductive material’” which can be fined up to $10,000 and receive jail time.
Wiley’s DNA was matched with a person in East Texas, a place where no family of hers ever lived. She later found a biological first cousin whom she contacted.
“I have one uncle,” the cousin said after being asked about his relatives. “He lives in Nacogdoches, Texas, and his name is Kim McMorries.”
It was then that Riley realized that her mother’s fertility doctor swapped his sperm with the donor’s making him her biological father.
“Having to tell Steve and having to tell my mom,” Wiley told ABC News. “Those were the two most difficult conversations I have ever had in my life.”
Wiley raised her experience to the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee in which the chairwoman, Nicole Collier said: “That is just unheard of. I’m speechless.”
Because of her experience, Wiley championed Senate Bill 1259, which criminalizes “unauthorized implantation of ‘human reproductive material’” which can be fined up to $10,000 and receive jail time.
“Patients have been violated, and we need to make sure that it doesn’t happen again,” said Fort Worth GOP Rep. Stephanie Klick.
Artificial insemination is common nowadays for women trying to get pregnant. Kyle Gordy is among the sperm donors whose mission is to get women pregnant as he believes it is a “talent.”
“I was going to run for a sperm bank, but everything felt so cold and clinical,” he told Caters News. “My sperm is much better than what’s in a sperm bank, because it’s strong and fresh during the donation, while I also for everything for free.”