Man Known as 'Modern-Day Jesus' Helps Women Get Pregnant with His ‘Strong Sperm’
"I have the best sperm," proclaims Kyle Gordy, a young Californian who calls himself a "modern Jesus Christ" who travels throughout the country with the mission of getting pregnant as many women as they wish.
On Facebook and on his website, he is defined as "sperm donor", under the pompous title of "get pregnant now".
The 27-year-old native of Los Angeles began his "mission" in 2014 and since then has had 18 children and 5 more on the way, across the country, from Alaska and Colorado to Texas and Kansas. He is also open to the outside if interested parties pay for the trip. Especially Dubai, the United Kingdom, and Australia are on his "wish list".
It all started when he decided that his super sperm was too special not to be taken advantage of. Then, he first announced his "talent" on Craigslist. Just two weeks later he made his offering to a local woman through artificial insemination.
Normally, semen donors receive up to $ 1,500 per month in Manhattan or California, notes the New York Post.
"I was going to run for a sperm bank, but everything felt so cold and clinical," Gordy told Caters News. "My sperm is much better than what's in a sperm bank, because it's strong and fresh during the donation, while I also do everything for free."
After that first successful pregnancy, Gordy says he was soon inundated with requests from women 18 to 42 years old.
The young man says that his super seed is fed by organic food and 18 herbs and supplements daily. Also, do not smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs. He also shares anecdotal advice to maximize fertility in his portal.
"I need to stay healthy, so I have the best sperm," he says. "I have no idea why a woman would want to use a sperm bank when she could use me. The specimens in a bank could be kept there for years. You really do not know what you get."
Six of his 18 descendants were conceived through real sexual relationships. "Some women do not want to do artificial insemination because they do not want to waste time and feel it will be more effective if we do it the old way," says Gordy, who says he never has sex for pleasure, but for "donations."
"We exchanged STD tests... Obviously, I'm a boy, so it's fun to do it if we both like each other."
"People have called me a modern Jesus Christ, and I agree with that," says Gordy. "I am very generous and giving, and the fact that I am a Jew ... Jesus was also a Jew."
This modest stallion says that he always dreamed of having many children, but after some failed relationships he decided to stay alone. He has also become discouraged due to the high divorce rates and the responsibility that monogamy entails.
"Children are a big responsibility, and I think that's too much for me," he says. "I can have children and help women at the same time."
On the genetic risk that in the future some of his children will run into another, he did not comment. He has met four of his descendants and exchanged photos with their moms through a Facebook group.
In a related story, more than a decade after giving birth to her daughter through a sperm donor, a mother fell in love with the biological father.
Jessica Share chose the sperm of Aaron Long, who was a donor in the mid-1990s, to have her daughter with her female partner in 2005. Share told that she and her ex-wife were attracted to Long’s donor profile.
Last year, she finally started dating Aaron after their daughter, Alice, found him through a DNA testing site.