What the Royals' Penmanship Reveals About Them
Every royal has their own handwriting, and apparently, it speaks volumes about their personalities. Emma Bache decoded some of the royals penmanships to reveal something about them.
Every stroke of the pen may mean something about a person’s personality -- including the royals. Graphologist and author of “Reading Between the Lines,” Emma Bache, studied and explained some members of the royal family’s personality based on their penmanship.
Apart from Kate Middleton looking like she was groomed for the job of being a duchess; her penmanship fits that description as well with it looking regal. But of course, Meghan Markle’s handwriting does not stand down with its fancy cursive strokes here and there, which is credited to the fact that she was once a calligrapher.
During the Green People beauty launch, Bache revealed the Duchess of Cambridge to be “very very well organized” which fits well with her poised and calm behavior, which goes only until things don’t go according to plan.
“She’s conservative by nature -- she’s not going to upset anybody very easily. And her signature is right in the middle of the page; what you see is what you get. She knows her own mind, has a healthy ego and feels absolutely no need to put on airs and graces,” Bache said.
On the other hand, Markle’s cursive penmanship goes far beyond fanciness and calligraphy strokes and instead shows an overprotective duchess.
“This is a woman who is used to being in the spotlight. These strokes that go over covering the words, that’s self-protecting; she’s going to react to criticism,” Bache continued about Markle.
When it comes to comparing the duchesses, Middleton shows a more controlled emotional outburst as seen in the heights of her t’s and d’s, which suits to be above-average. On the other hand, Markle’s right slanted writing projects her short temper and impulsiveness.
Prince William is much like his wife when it comes to analyzing his penmanship -- “solid and steady.” In her book, “Reading Between the Lines,” Backe wrote about Prince William:
“We can see that he is quite shy in reality and would not normally choose to push himself forward or hog the limelight. The wide spaces between his words show his need for some independence and privacy.”
The duke’s brother, Prince Harry, is said to have a little more edge in his writing, showing his slight irresponsibility during his younger years. Bache added that Harry is “actually deeply sensitive" despite displaying a stubborn front, as seen in his vertical strokes.
His underscore found below his signature, which says “Harry,” with a fading effect toward the end, also reflects his wanting to be noticed.
Princess Eugenie’s signature shows similarity to a thread flowing which reveals her “quick-minded” and “quick-witted” personality. She is good at analyzing and treating others and would make a great PR officer.
On the other hand, Princess Beatrice’s penmanship shows her to be one who worries a lot, yet remains “optimistic” and caring, as a mother would.
The royals’ handwritings were seen through various time, but mostly in signatures. Middleton’s latest shown written note was during her Chelsea Flower Show garden where she wrote “Boulder hopping in the Lake District” and posted it on a wall full of “joyful garden memories.”
Middleton initiated the “Back to Nature” garden to encourage people to enjoy the great outdoors and see the benefits it can bring mentally and physically. The garden includes a swing set, a campfire, and a rustic den.