Meghan McCain vs. Joy Behar: Ongoing Feud between 'The View’ Co-Hosts Gets Heated in a New Episode
The political differences between the co-hosts once again create tension on air, with McCain having a strong reaction to Behar’s attempt at influencing voters, which she found “ridiculous.”
On the June 18 episode of “The View” the on-going feud between 76-year-old Joy Behar and 34-year-old Megan McCain once again takes center stage in the middle of a discussion about bipartisanship and the 2020 elections.
After playing a clip of a Joe Biden presidential campaign event on which the former Vice President showed his willingness to compromise with Republican leaders if he gets elected, Behar voiced her disagreement with Biden and her distrust in conservative leaders such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
“Let’s face it: he’s gotta go,” Behar said about McConnell, whom she considers unlikely to leave his party’s interest behind in order to work with Biden in the event of his 2020 victory.
“I just want everyone to stop being so precious about our relationship because it's almost 2020, and women can debate on TV in a spirited way without it being personal," the daughter of late Senator John McCain explained on June 19.
“When Biden was VP, Mitch McConnell spent eight years shooting down anything Obama wanted to do. So why does he think [McConnell] will want to work with him, all of the sudden?” Behar wondered.
“If Kentucky gets their heads around the right thing, they’ll get rid of McConnell,” the host suggested, enraging McCain, who had previously applauded Biden’s vision of compromise between leaders from both leading political parties.
“But what happens? I want to know what you think is going to happen. Kentuckians are watching ‘The View’ and they’re like, ‘Joy says Mitch McConnell’s gotta go, so I guess it’s done?’ It’s ridiculous!” McCain replied.
The tense exchange went on until Behar, who was supposed to be moderating the segment as a fill-in for Whoopi Goldberg, was indicated to drop the subject by the stage manager.
“The stage manager has a nervous breakdown over there,” Behar joked as they cut out for commercials.
It is far from the first time on which things heat up during an argument between the two co-hosts, and it has grown only worse as the 2020 elections get closer.
McCain has repeatedly said to be tired of party politics and “tribalism” slowing down America’s progress, and she accuses Behar of being extreme in her views and intolerant toward Republicans such as herself.
"We have to put this crap aside! All of us, here at 'The View' as well, and politicians in D.C., at a certain point, we have to work together for America," McCain said back in May.
Despite the tensions that again and again arise between Behar and McCain, which the latter admits to be exhausting, she has said that beyond their heated political arguments on screen, they have no bad feelings toward each other.
“I just want everyone to stop being so precious about our relationship because it's almost 2020, and women can debate on TV in a spirited way without it being personal," the daughter of late Senator John McCain explained on June 19.
"And, I know this is a big shock, we get along backstage," Meghan added, following a screaming argument with Behar regarding Donald Trump’s official 2020 campaign kickoff.
"I'm very straight in what I believe, and so is she, so we're gonna fight. It's OK," Behar said, confirming her friend’s words.
Meghan’s biggest political influence was her father, Senator McCain, who passed away on August 25, 2018, making this year’s Father’s Day the first one Meghan spends without him.
While she is constantly criticized for bringing up her father too much, Meghan had a touching idea to cope with her lost on Father’s Day, inviting other people who had lost their fathers to share their stories on social media.
“Anyone else out there who is dreading Father’s Day this Sunday — I feel you, and have been trying to come up with something positive to do Sunday,” she tweeted.
“So, I want you to feel free to share #deaddadsclub stories on my timeline and I will share it. Maybe we will all feel less alone?” Meghan added.
Her initiative had a great response among her followers, with several of them sharing their stories as replies to Meghan’s tweet.