Daily Joke: Woman Gave the Repairman Advice to Not Talk to Her Parrot
Being a repairman requires skill, diligence, and most importantly, the ability to follow instructions to the word.
People working as repairmen will tell you that their clients want the work done in a certain time, within a certain time period or in a certain manner. Not following those can either get you a bad review, a pay cut, or all sorts of other trouble.
A repairman found himself in big trouble after not following his client's instructions.
After Laura’s dishwasher broke down, she called up the repairman to have it fixed. Since she had work the next day, she decided to leave the key for him and said:
“I’ll leave the key under the mat. Fix the dishwasher, leave the bill on the counter, and I’ll mail you a check.”

A dishwasher. | Source: Pexels
She thoought the repairman could be intimidated by her dog and told him not to worry about it since the dog was practically harmless.
“Oh, by the way, don’t worry about my bulldog, Bob. He won’t bother you. But, whatever you do, do NOT, under ANY circumstances, talk to my parrot! I repeat, do not talk to my parrot!”
The man thought it was a pretty odd instruction, but he didn't dwell on it for long.

A bulldog. | Source: Pixabay
The next day, the repairman made his way to Laura’s apartment and scared himself at the sight of the biggest and meanest looking bulldog he had ever laid eyes on. But as laura had said, the dog kept its distance and quietly laid on the carpet as the repairman did his work.

A busy repairman. | Source: Pixabay
The parrot, on the other hand, was not so quiet, it kept cursing, calling names, and yelling constantly. Working became impossible for him. The disturbance was driving him crazy and he yelled, “Shut up you stupid, ugly bird!”
The parrot replied, “Get him, Bob!”

Parrot in a cage. | Source: Pixabay
The man should have followed the lady's instructions afterall.
Source: boreddaddy.com