Bradley Cooper Once Revealed How Dad's Death Affected His Family
Bradley Cooper opened up about his dad’s death and how it changed everything for his family.
The star said this in an interview with Oprah, who dug deeper into his previous revelations about the loss of his father to lung cancer in 2011.
showed star actor,
in an interview with Oprah.
The actor revealed details of his father’s death as well as the way his life was affected by it. In the video, Oprah asked the iconic actor how it felt to witness his father’s death in his arms.
To this, the star replied that it was everything, being the second biggest gift he got from the senior Cooper. He further explained how his dad’s last breath went right into him, which changed his perspective of life, saying that
“It just changed everything.”
His interviewer went further to describe how the movie director’s role in “A Star is Born” Portrayed a whole new level of masculinity. She was keen on knowing if it was the desired effect he aimed to achieve by the movie.
His response shocked millions of his fans when he said that it was just the way the men in his life has always been, adding that as a child, he was always crushed each time he witnessed his father cry.
The actor has granted several other interviews since his father’s demise, which gave the Legendary Oprah an upper hand in her interview with him. Prior to their heart to heart conversation, the director once revealed to The New York Times that his father’s loss opened up a new reality.
Being there for his dad’s final moment brought about an “instantaneous” change in the actor's life, which affected his whole world. The sudden loss of such a strong male figure in Bradley’s life was the motivation he needed to finally accept to take up his role in the legendary movie, “A Star is Born.”
Following his father’s death, the movie icon became a solid support for people living with cancer, taking up advocative roles in several cancer and immunotherapy foundations.
The 2011’s sexiest man alive was not the only member of the Cooper clan that got affected by his late dad’s demise. His mom, Gloria, went through an even tougher period which she could not bear alone.
In a 2013 interview, the movie director revealed that he got his mom to move in with him after his father’s passing. This, he said, was in an attempt to make the loss easier on his mom, who he referred to as his roommate.